Most Fun Posters

User Likes
1. cakelover487
2. toutzee295
3. nitetom230
4. tuneyoo203
5. likeapunk166
6. burndown160
7. pod151
8. ignite145
9. zoooong139
10. h4ckerwet134
11. rentfaint125
12. iforecast117
13. knowsnothing109
14. ipory99
15. krane99
16. sharedark91
17. iposts89
18. funspree86
19. whacky82
20. rockrock82

Most Fun Commenters

User Likes
1. happy_frog18
2. karlboll17
3. catfluff12
4. oppailoli9
5. snowbeast8
6. creativedragonbaby7
7. carbontech3
8. thefandomisrising3
9. nelson3
10. inspectora3
11. rtg_0072
12. shurikkaru2
13. felixo772
14. strongsad1
15. nekkidninja1
16. lucky111
17. zippytheroach1
18. typow7771
19. shiftingsands1
20. properchaos1

Note: The leaderboard is updated periodically.
Users on the weekly leaderboard will get stars beside their username.