Jerry Baughman


Twenty-one year old anime aficionado, photography enthusiast, bookworm, and general practitioner of badassery.
Jerry Baughman Report User

Pretty much me all day during school Funsubsters

Pretty much me all day during school

Wish it was always like that

Wish it was always like that

The internet has its priorities straight

The internet has its priorities straight

A whole new level of under-appreciated

A whole new level of under-appreciated

¿Y_Y *_* @_@ "_"?

¿Y_Y     *_*    @_@    "_"?

If. If he gets it.

If. If he gets it.

I can't be the only one......right?

I can't be the only one......right?

Wow, Cleverbot, that's cold.

Wow, Cleverbot, that's cold.

README: It's NSFW bcuz Naruto spoiler(unless ur caught up) Hidden

Not safe for work

Just something awesome

Just something awesome