

— Abrams Report User
Charlie said 7 comments
abrams · 4 years ago
Forrest Whitaker cat
Heal thy bur gers 2 comments
abrams · 4 years ago
Wait.... FUCK!
A cleanup can make a huge difference 4 comments
abrams · 4 years ago
Meanwhile normal citizens are scolded and coached about littering while corporations dump their trash refuse in the ocean and create this problem in the first place.
It’s true, happiness when fed 11 comments
abrams · 4 years ago
Shit youre lucky. At least your girl orders her own frys instead of saying he doesnt want any, then proceeding to eat 90% of yours.
Not if he says the magic words 8 comments
abrams · 4 years ago
When a lock can be unlocked by many keys, its a bad lock. When a key can unlock many locks, its a master key.
Heady aromatic adaptable Camel 8 comments
abrams · 4 years ago
If blizzard didnt manage to fuck it up, then there will be finally something worth doing. WoW died when Activision bought blizzard and theyve been going downhill with poor decisions ever since. They are going to take a major hit to their precious ego when classic doubles their playerbase and the retail servers are practically empty. But this apparently is what its gotta come to for blizzard to wake up and realize they been doing it wrong.
Heady aromatic adaptable Camel 8 comments
abrams · 4 years ago
My friends with WoW.
Democrat Strategy be Like 17 comments
abrams · 4 years ago
I just want to wake them up that the democrats have been saying the same shit for decades and thats all it is, lip service. It just blows my mind that people still buy all the BS after all the proof to the contrary. I hate all career politicians who make a living off lying to the public. People might dislike Trump, but hes not a politician. Id vote for him again before these 20+ year leaches that infest washington DC.
Democrat Strategy be Like 17 comments
abrams · 4 years ago
I never claimed to care anything about other people. But if i can make them wonder why after 60 years nothing has changed and people are still in poverty, and why they continue to believe the same story. Republicans dont care about your ass either, but the orange one lowered my taxes, so now im keeping more of the money i work for. Both sides are corrupt, both sides dont care about the voter, both sides only want lobbyist money and votes... i just want them stealing as little of my money as possible in the process.
Democrat Strategy be Like 17 comments
abrams · 4 years ago
@puma, "you are practically wasting your time donning it on others." Judging by the replies, i am wasting my time. I point out the hypocracy of the democrat party, not attacking the democrat voter, and im called pompous and trash in the following replies. This is why it really can be a waste of time.
Democrat Strategy be Like 17 comments
abrams · 4 years ago
Dear poor people of fun substance.... democrats tell you they want to better your lives. Heres proof they are lying to you:
Taking poor people from poverty has been a democrat talking point for 50+ years, yet there are still massive amounts of poor people. Why? Because if they ever succeed and bring you into the middle class, youll be in a tax bracket which is subject to paying your share, at which point you'll see how much the govt steals from your check and want lower taxes. *boom* welcome to the republican party. The point is, democrats need a group of poor people to preach their message to and pander votes. The moment you arent poor, they dont have an audience. The democrats want to tell you they care, but dont actually want to fix the problem, or who would be left to listen to their speech?
Youre welcome poor people.
Democrat Strategy be Like 17 comments
abrams · 4 years ago
Silly Democrat voters lol
My younger self 14 comments
abrams · 4 years ago
Titles for clarity! 3 comments
abrams · 4 years ago
Sounds like something that an oversensitive person would say.
Brawny voracious Weasel 7 comments
abrams · 4 years ago
She then went back to him 1 month later after he told her he could change.
I thought it was her too. 2 comments
abrams · 4 years ago
Wait.... thats not kristen stewart? Got another down syndrome girl moving in on her turf!
Everybody is a fighter until a real fighter walks in the room 1 comments
abrams · 4 years ago
Haha Gaethje.. home grown Safford boy, he would destroy them with one hand.
The Keanu effect 2 comments
abrams · 4 years ago
Id have taken cyberpunk2077 with no moral dilema.
Something is not right about the ball racking 5 comments
abrams · 4 years ago
The fact you even noticed the balls.....
Noone can stop him now 5 comments
abrams · 4 years ago
How well do you climb walls?
Loki and Hela Theory 4 comments
abrams · 5 years ago
Is it also possible that they hadnt wrote the script for the third thor movie when they cast loki, so its completely random...
New Zealand passes paid domestic violence leave 8 comments
abrams · 5 years ago
Then next month when her dumb ass takes him back, moves back in, and gets beat again, does she get another 10 days?
That is how it is 7 comments
abrams · 5 years ago
My opinion changes with age. If youre under 25 im in favor of you pulling out titties and killing babies. You probably have perky tits, and most of you are terrible mothers anyways. When you get older you have common sense and saggy tits, raise your kid and cover your chest.
f*ckin Aunt Linda and her idea that minorities have rights  13 comments
abrams · 5 years ago
More like...
Me: i disagree with your viewpoint and here are reasons why.
Them: facist! Racist! Your viewpoint doesnt matter!
Me: ok, good talk
Now more relevant than ever in USA 19 comments
abrams · 5 years ago
You had a choice and your choice was to have sex. Now deal with the repercussions of your choice. Id tell this to a deadbeat dad just the same as a woman who thinks killing a baby is a "choice" both of you need to act like damn adults. This isnt a videogame, it doesnt come with a reset button.