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Feels are strong on this one

Feels are strong on this one

Vegan's poop

Vegan's poop

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, Elon Musk! One of the smartest men alive!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, Elon Musk! One of the smartest men alive!

I've never had gender before

I've never had gender before

Burns better than the sun

Burns better than the sun

Who drew this?

Who drew this?

Dude goes absolutely CRAZY playing Chic's Good Times on the bass guitar VIDEO

Dude goes absolutely CRAZY playing Chic's Good Times on the bass guitar

Most popular Spiderman scene

Most popular Spiderman scene

1........2........3... Oh GIF

1........2........3... Oh

Damn ninjas cutting onions

Damn ninjas cutting onions