

AtreiNero Report User
Rock on 15 comments
atreinero · 4 years ago
Not unusual of fans at Metal Concerts. They all are there for a good time and want to ensure that everyone has a good time. Look it up.
Inntegrated graphics 1 comments
atreinero · 4 years ago
True they can't come close to NVIDIA or AMD, but they are much better than they used to be.
It's true. College professors don't give two f*cks 9 comments
atreinero · 4 years ago
Bottom line, College Professors realize that life, shit, and crazy happens and they are more than willing to adapt and help. Mostly because they also have lives.
It's true. College professors don't give two f*cks 9 comments
atreinero · 4 years ago
The myths. My favorite ones.
High School Teachers: "Your professors will never accept late work". College Professor: "So everyone has lives, crazy, and shit just happens. If you are missing something, or somethings happens, come talk to me after/before class, or email me and we will see what we can work out."
High School teachers: "Your professors will never give extra credit." College Professor: "Anyone need to raise their grade? I'm sure I can find something for you to do."
High School Teachers: "Your professors are going to be strict about being to class on time every time." College Professor: "So if you are commuting and you are running late or something happens, send me an email. If you are sick, please don't come to class and get everyone else sick. Stay home, email me, and we'll work something out."
High School Teachers: "Every single college professor will expect to be called "Professor."" College Professor: "Hello class, now we are all adults here so call me by my name."
If you remember them you must be pretty old now 10 comments
atreinero · 4 years ago
I miss this series
Cashew Apples 13 comments
atreinero · 4 years ago
Just dont eat them raw, or they can and will kill you.
Mr. Rogers was the best 5 comments
atreinero · 4 years ago
Maybe someone needs to start running this show again and show that we are all humans...just a thought
How I wish I could have that 11 comments
atreinero · 4 years ago
In winter, even better.
It really do be your own teammates 12 comments
atreinero · 4 years ago
Snowflake generation? In their day, they freaked out if someone with a slightly different skin color drank out of the same water fountain. Millennials and Gen Z aren't snowflakes, we are just realizing that we can't deal with the toxic that our parents, baby boomers and Gen X, have dealt with, because all of their mistakes have caught up to us and we now have to deal with them.
We also just don't tolerate what they tolerated. We aren't snowflakes, they are.
HELPPP!!!! 15 comments
atreinero · 4 years ago
Lebron james 7 comments
atreinero · 4 years ago
There are many things about him that I hate, but new light to the issue.
So guys, we did it 3 comments
atreinero · 4 years ago
Oh brother. There are so many ways around it. Buy the official charge and play kit; rechargeable batteries, just buy batteries. The internal battery isn't a feature it is a hindrance. What happens when that battery starts to die? You have to buy a new dualshock. Xbox controller? Oh I guess I need a new battery pack/batteries. It's about choice, and Xbox gets it while Sony doesn't. Not to mention a dualshock is way more fragile than an xbox controller. I've thrown controllers. Dualshocks, both 3 and 4, break easily. I've thrown the same 360 controller 4 times, still works. My Xbox One controller has gone through a lot, and it still works fine. I'm on my third dualshock 4 and the last one all it did was sit in the same spot. I took it out twice and it just died. The PS4 is a good console, but Sony needs to work on building a better controller.
Crystal furniture set that looks like raw meat 3 comments
atreinero · 4 years ago
I thought it was meat, or something to look like it.
Respect to these people 3 comments
atreinero · 4 years ago
If I lose because the other team was better an my team didn't suck ass, sure. But what usually happens is someone on my team feeds/afks/runs away/is a moron. Losing based on skill? No problem. Losing because my teammates are idiots who can't look at the minimap? Bad Game.
Epicfail disney 15 comments
atreinero · 4 years ago
Don't look 2 comments
atreinero · 4 years ago
Find the "owners" and charge them with animal cruelty. Also find the ones who do the same to cats, ferrets, or whatever else people keep as pets. Pets are family.
Joyrides at night 6 comments
atreinero · 4 years ago
Winter is better than summer!
Console bad, pc good 6 comments
atreinero · 4 years ago
You pay for an online service in some way. With Microsoft for years, and now Sony and Nintendo, you paid for it directly in the form of a yearly fee or charge. Paid MMOs like WoW do this as well. You pay in some way shape or form for online multiplayer. Whether it be now or in the past. Today a much more common way to pay for it is micro-transactions.
And yes Sony tried to prove a point with free multiplayer and look what happened. This reason is also why Xbox refused to work with Sony during the 360/PS3 era on cross platform. Xbox Live is one of the most secure computer networks on the planet while PSN, well still isn't. Microsoft was worried about being hacked and 2 great hacks on PSN proved their point. Now of course that Sony has actually invested money into security Microsoft is willing to play ball.
Alien p*ssy > Democracy 3 comments
atreinero · 4 years ago
Accurate. And some of the guards just didn't care at that point.
There must always be a balance. One has to take the place of the other 8 comments
atreinero · 4 years ago
Gaming disorder is treated like addiction because for some it is. They will play for hours, even days on end. There have been kids, teens, and adults who have died at computers or consoles because they couldn't stop. It is a real disorder and this isn't about balance, it is about reality.
For individuals who are trans, this should have happened a LONG time ago.
Zat'nik'tel 2 comments
atreinero · 4 years ago
Man I miss this series.
Wi-fi problems is older than you think 4 comments
atreinero · 4 years ago
So many bad memories. So many stupid rewinders.
Making faces at a fish 3 comments
atreinero · 4 years ago
That tank is so dirty.
This just stays funny 3 comments
atreinero · 4 years ago
Even the eagle knew he was bad.
Buster the 150lb gentle giant 7 comments
atreinero · 4 years ago
We do not deserve dogs.