

BLub271 Report User
Human fetus? 79 comments
blub271 · 10 years ago
I agree with many of the posts that say it's unfair to push all the blame and responsibility to the female because "she should have known better" or "she should have kept her legs closed". Taking care of a child is not only just a huge financially responsibility, but it changes lives, dreams and futures. For the teen or unprepared mother and sometimes responsible father, life as they know it has ended. We all know that shit happens and some people just aren't meant to be parents (and swear it's the same group of people that are anti-abortion that are the main ones calling people out on their lack of parenting skills). I admit that I might sound morbid to some but I would rather abort a fetus than have a child live and fight to survive in the cycle of poverty and teen pregnancies or wind up slipping though the cracks in orphanages and foster care. But no matter what my opinion is, I have no right to dictate what a person can do with their body - it's their choice and I'm pro-choice.