betterthanyou · 7 years ago
Tequila and ice cream.
i_ · 7 years ago
unicycle · 7 years ago
Honestly the only thing that really works is time. You're going to be upset for a while, and you just have to accept that and be comfortable with it. Take time to be alone, and practice being ok with being alone and doing things you enjoy, but don't isolate yourself. Spend time with friends and family, eat good food, watch funny movies, make lots of tea. Exercise, draw, read, blast music - do whatever activities you enjoy that make you feel alive. Eventually you'll feel normal and content.
dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
dickgrayson · 7 years ago
Well, I've only been through the one heart wrenching breakup, which im told is the hardest. I'll give you some advice I was given. Dont focus on it. Get together with some close friends,and let them distract you. Don't go drinking heavily because alcohol is actually a depressant. Play video games,or sports or something. Any activity to keep you distracted for a while. It gets easier to deal with.
diyrogue · 7 years ago
Well I recommend this. First, clean your room and change your sheets into just washed ones. The moving around will help you get a bit happier and the clean feel will help as well. Also open your window if you want it. The sun is a great sterilizer for germs and the room can air out. When that's all done go and take a shower and wear your comfiest CLEAN pajamas. Then get your favourite food ( if you can, or just some good food ) and watch some funny stuff on your TV ( laptop is good too but idk watching it on a TV seems better imo ). This helps with my depression but apparently a lot of people do the same thing when they're going through break ups.
deleted · 7 years ago
Self pity, that's what I'm doing rn lol
sassypotter · 7 years ago
There will be a lot of self-pity at the start
But as other people have said, meet up with good friends and do stuff to take your mind off of it (I had some film days)
It depends, do you plan on staying friends or having a clean break?
thedarkknightess · 7 years ago
Thank you SO MUCH everyone, I really appreciate your ideas, especially the cleaning part (I'm a huge fan of fresh linen)!!! <3
I excel at self-pitying, in fact I feel like I'm a monster at the moment and the sense of guilt is haunting me... but I think it was the right decision because we wanted really different things.
My friends are highly supportive since they've always disapproved of this relationship... I just hope he will be alright.
He wants to stay friends, I prefer a clean break. Even though it'll be tough because we have a lot of friends in common, so we're going to see each other quite often.
sassypotter · 7 years ago
Who initiated the break up (if you don't mind me asking)?
thedarkknightess · 7 years ago
No problem! I did. It was a really difficult decision, because he is great. He is much older than me, though, and wanted to build up a family, which is something I do want, with all my heart, but not right now. I think I need to grow up a little more and gain some stability first (financial, but most of all psychological). I don't want to ruin his life, making promises I can't keep. I know it sounds like a cliché, but he really deserves better.
sassypotter · 7 years ago
No it doesn't sound cliche, that's apparently part of the reason my ex recently broke up with me. Good luck with it :)
deleted · 7 years ago
Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough flavour, doing the whole Bridget Jones deal for about a week. You'll feel better afterwards.