tarotnathers13th · 7 years ago
The reason it seems inconsistent is becuase it is based on his emtotional state. The Green Lantern Power Rings have energy within them, but are really powered by the willpower of the wearer. To another degree, their imagination also aids them in that endeavor. If he's afraid, his constructs and power grow weaker, same if he's unsure of himself, or confused. The more resolute the psyche of the wearer, and the more centered their state in determination and willpower, the more powerful they can be. All of the lantern corps run off a certain emotion, but they can be negatively affected by many other feelings they experience in a fight. A Red Lantern that's scared is considerably less threatening than a Green Lantern completely resolute in his conviction.
dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
Ok, so his powers are influenced by his emotional state, but what is his power really?
deleted · 7 years ago
He can make light constructs based on will.
tarotnathers13th · 7 years ago
^ Can also project energy into a blast like a laser.
dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
Ok... and just how powerful can he get? Like, what are some of his greatest feats?
(Aside from punching darkseid with the force of 7 universes)
tarotnathers13th · 7 years ago
He's able to go toe to toe with some pretty tough customers. In one instance a green lantern's ring was able pick up something around the weight of 40,000 long tons. It makes sense that the ring would be able to protect force on around maybe half of that, even if just for a split second, unless bulk strength doesn't translate into durability, which is likely. Don't really know much on his fears, as his character seems to have that trait where his fears don't really hold him down for long.
dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
Hmm, interesting. I'll have to Google him some
deleted · 7 years ago
His power is willpower (why the green corps) and can create pretty much anything he wants.
However he does as fears, the strongest would be his gf dying because of him (that happened to pretty much every GL), and not being worthy of the ring anymore. And when he's like that he's useless 'cause he kinda lose his powers
boneheadsans · 7 years ago
okay, im an expert on green lanterns here. ask away. like seriously though, i've literally done research before.
boneheadsans · 7 years ago
hold on i'll just type a brief description of how his 'powers' work. technically they aren't super powers, it all comes from the green lantern ring. without any actual conscious effort, the ring provides life support, translation, and even a full on database. with some focus, and actually trying to, they can use the ring to generate physical contructs made of energy. the actual things they make is limited to their imagination, and focus. not only can they make these constructs, but they can also open a personal pocket dimension to store their power battery which recharges their ring, and also create a wormhole for traveling long distances across space. really, they are only limited to their own minds, and the fact that the rings do not work on anything colored yellow, unless they truly do not feel any fear while trying to do so. nearing text limit here so just hold on for more
boneheadsans · 7 years ago
as ive already mentioned, a green lantern is only limited by their willpower and imagination, and their constructs are weakened by fear, and warped by anger. the rings themselves have a battery that lasts roughly 24 earth hours of average use, and must of course be recharged accordingly. though one green lantern had a ring that one, didn't need to be charged, and two, would always work on yellow. long story there, but it happened. back to the average green lanterns then. the more the user wills something with the ring, and the more they focus, and try, the stronger their builds and such will be. which is why them actually saying the green lantern oath in a fight can help, as in a sense, it is the same as the army drummer/bugalist. it is really them sort of motivating themselves, reminding them of who they are and that they must win. so really, their power comes from their own mental state. any other questions?
boneheadsans · 7 years ago
also, fellow lantern fans, please feel free to correct any mistakes i may have made. constructive criticism is very much appreciated to help me better my understanding, and fix any errors in my knowledge of green lanterns. though, unhelpful insults about me being dumb, or just wrong will not be accepted, and you shall from then on be considered a pile of dog crap.
dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
That's very informative, thank you
boneheadsans · 7 years ago
so, any other questions about fake power rings from an animated media?
dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
How did he manage to punch darkseid with the force of 7 universes?
boneheadsans · 7 years ago
probably extreme willpower, and/or overcharged ring