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dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
Yeah, I have a weird ass story
mrfahrenheit · 7 years ago
The first story I've written that has a storyline around it is one where the main character kills himself
dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
I'm intrigued
mrfahrenheit · 7 years ago
ill send you the story, its pretty bad so be warned
dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
It's ok; I can send you my story if you want lol
deleted · 7 years ago
I could also put up the link to mine if you're interested
dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
I'm always interested.
Want me to explain my entire storyline basis? It'll be interesting :D
deleted · 7 years ago
dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
Ok, so essentially it's a multiverse, but not the same as normal multiverses. Instead, our universe starts at the beginning of time, when creation happens, with the God of all, who is the most powerful being in existence. Eventually, time comes to a point where the entity of nothing, Avarado, awakens and tries to erase everything from existence, so the God of all has to reset the entire universe when the time comes, only keeping a few things the same, such as the different realms, himself, and etc
dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
This means that in my stories, there is an infinite amount of realities that could happen; it's a multiverse, but instead of being all at once, it's one at a time, and once the big reset happens, the old reality is gone and nobody, save for the God of all, remembers it's existence.
Now, every couple hundred realities or so a new God of all is chosen, to keep things going. If it was just one God, then things would get tiring, and he would stop caring for his creations
dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
And before anyone asks when this cycle started -- well truth be told, it's always been going on. Yeah, there was no beginning, there is no end, it is just infinite.
There is also the 13 gods of the Elements. They get chosen when their time comes for them. They are not necessary, but letting them control something takes a huge load off of the creator. The 13 elements are time (Which is always chosen, as he is the only other being who knows of the reset), life (who is chosen second because he is very important in the cycle of life and death), earth, fire, water, lightning, wind, eclipse (that's two in one), spirit (funfact: that's the conductor), ice, forest, and mind
dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
All of my stories take place within different realities. My first storyline involved most of my characters (who most of them I made up when I was 5 haha), serving under the creator as he is the only one (that we know of) that actually appoints people to fight for him if something goes wrong. Of course lots of stuff goes wrong, and needless to say, it ends with Creator, Omni (another character), and Dr. Ew himself, both of which whom have rose to creators power, now fighting one another for control over the cycle, while almost dooming the entire universe by almost letting Avarado get out of his imprisonment
dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
My second storyline (you helped me with this one grim :D ) is based in a different reality, where three warring states are preparing to fight one another for control over the continent.
This one isn't as grand as the last since nobody even knows that the cycle/the creator exist, but Dr. Ew (a different Dr. Ew than the one in the first storyline) and MorrĂ­gan meet up with 2 of the 13 Elemental Gods, if only briefly. It's more of a different reality that shows just how interesting my theory of the cycle could be for my storytelling, and for making more characters for people to fall in love with
dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
And now my 3rd story idea actually involves lots of smaller stories from many different realities, including a reincarnation of a previous character I made hunting cryptids, a reality where everyone has two different souls within them, and can change between them for combat (in this reality, Dr. Ew and the conductor are actually the same person), and whatever other reality ideas come to mind.
How is it connected? Well, it turns out that in one reality, a man aquired a very intense power; we was so masterful at reality warping (something which only Creator can really do, unless a freak accident like him happened of course), that he has actually become immortal and even AVOIDED the universal reset for God knows how many cycles. He is strong af, he knows of all of the other stories, and in the end he is going to meet up with the characters from my first storyline in an awesome conclusion
dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
Welp, those are my stories. What'd ya think?
mrfahrenheit · 7 years ago
The man stood on the end of the building, his brow glistening with sweat in the low light of dusk, his pinstriped suit ruffled and unkempt. His eyes are those of an antelope cornered by lions, fearful, and devoid of hope. He looks down, the cars rushing past below him, going about their everyday lives. He didn't have one of those anymore. Not since Linda took his kids away because he didn't have enough money to support them and his gambling addiction at the same time. Ever since his first wife had died in the traffic collision he never had enough money anymore. He weeps openly at his misfortune, not ashamed to cry anymore. What's the point of bottling up emotions if in a few hours I'm going to be a chalk line on a pavement and a statistic in some registry? He thinks, as he gazes out over the city where he has resided for nigh on 8 years. People stare up at him, probably yelling for him to not jump. He can't hear them of course, lost among his thoughts, listening only to the blood
mrfahrenheit · 7 years ago
rushing through his veins. He pulls out a cigarette and lights it. Helps takes the edge off death. He exhales, smoke floating out off his mouth and drifting down to his audience below. He almost laughs. Its sad really. Before today, nobody would have known his name. To everybody else, he was just an obedient salaryman, destined to forever work the same job at the same place forever. But now he doesn't doubt the fact that many of them have looked up who he was and are spreading the news to his few relatives. He ponders this for a while, and pauses. If he were to die now, he would surely be remembered, but only for a few days. Knowing the local news, chances are they'd spell his name wrong. He chuckles at the thought. It was nice, he thought. Whats life without laughter? He smiles. He's figured it out. He can finally accept himself, and greet Death not as a hate filled husk of a man, but as a friend. He looks over the city where he has resided for nigh on 8 years. The sunset is quite
mrfahrenheit · 7 years ago
beautiful tonight. And with that, his final thought, he steps off the roof, smiling even as he falls into the abyss.
dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
Dude, that was really good
mrfahrenheit · 7 years ago
My english teacher said I had to add in a twist so i made him die happy.