trashmanrevenge · 7 years ago
This mostly stems from me being around latinos a lot and most of the time they get to say the N word and do but the minute I say it around them they get mad. I have no idea why especially since in history the Spaniards brought 10 times as many slaves and treated them much harsher than white people. For these reasons I fail to see why there is this standard where it seems whites are blamed for all of slavery despite only playing a small portion compared to the latino and arabian cultures which enslaved more and treated them harsher.
creativedragonbaby · 7 years ago
Because most people are idiots. When people hear Spain, they think of Europe and white people. Also, since Latinos are slightly darker skinned than Caucasians, they get to say the N word?
trashmanrevenge · 7 years ago
yeah latinos get to say the N word i dont get it because the only reason white people dont get to say it is because of slavery right?
creativedragonbaby · 7 years ago
Yeah. It's a racial slur now and apparently people still get to use it. Why? Why keep a symbol of your own oppression alive? It comes from the place in Africa Niger. (Nigerian Princes) and I'm not sure of the specifics but I'm guessing that was the general name for the slaves? Anyway, it's like all gays getting to call each other faggot and nobody else. Why do it? It's just a reminder of the hate!