parisqeen · 6 years ago
They're still here, some are online more than others but they're all still here
throwawayacct69 · 6 years ago
thank you !!!! i can rest easy now lmao this has been on my mind for days, feeling guilty that i left so abruptly with little to no explanation. glad to know our little circle survived
parisqeen · 6 years ago
No worries, I'm sure if you @ them they'll respond
deleted · 6 years ago
Though Sero plans on leaving after his 200th "Who Let This Happen" post.
deleted · 6 years ago
Your mega chat has been beaten, we made a new one that has over 60000 comments
deleted · 6 years ago
That was the "Let's chat yo" chat right? Or was it the truth or dare one?
deleted · 6 years ago
Let's chat yo
adorkable · 6 years ago
Tord has 28,000 comments (I think)