under_fire · 6 years ago
there are apps that give you points based on the time you spend in a certain app, then the points can be used to get giftcards
guest_ · 6 years ago
What you can do with it is up to your skills and budget. Universal remote is a favorite, but you can make all kinds of stuff. It’s a tiny touch screen and computer that can send and receive via Bluetooth and WiFi. You can use it as the brains for smart locks, entertainment systems or in vehicle entertainment, lighting displays, dioramas, digital picture frame, it can be used as a surveyliance camera for your room, home, desk, garage, etc. with a second camera or screen you can use it for costumes where you want to be able to make parts see through, or for optical illusions around the house. Just a few possibilities.
kouyaaotsuki · 6 years ago
Some people make it into a music player, depends on the phone model, battery life, etc etc. What model is it?