coleypoley · 6 years ago
Depends why you want to do it? It's definitely gentler on the hair than just straight bleaching it, but also doesn't lighten as much.
deleted · 6 years ago
Well my hair is naturally dirty blondish brown (except the ends which are dark from a old dye job that I'm growing out before I attempt a bleach bath) and I want it just a bit lighter.
coleypoley · 6 years ago
If you're wanting 'just a bit lighter' I'd say a bleach bath can't really go wrong. Definitely need to grow out the old dye or you'll get banding.
deleted · 6 years ago
Oh I'm definitely growing it out, my hair is a long bob at the moment and the dyed part is past my ears now. Just going to chop it off once I've got it past my chest.