deleted · 6 years ago
And I totally get that children do stupid things all the time but, that's where the parents come in. You should teach him how to be a Gentleman to girls instead of just shattering his hearts into million pieces.
guest_ · 6 years ago
Puppies don’t know better until they learn. They learn through play and gain experience to guide and inform their future choices. A helicopter parent won’t be around forever, nor can you count on someone to take over making choices when they are gone. Kids need to learn how to live their own lives. There are little mistakes to let kids make, and then their are likely life ruining mistakes any good parent should try and stop. In the end often times the only difference between the best decision of your life and the worst mistake are time and random chance. We can’t actually tell where our choices will take us, and it can take years or decades to find out. So no- he probably won’t marry that girl, but someday he will likely want to marry someone. That means dating, and that means learning and failing. Allowing kids to develop healthy relationships and discover interpersonal dynamics is key to their happiness and self awareness. I can’t judge- but I think the dads reaction was a mistake.
celticrose · 6 years ago
What is wrong with kids having play dates and innocent relationships? I just don't get it. Personally I am more concerned with the mindset if the people who see something dirty in this.
deleted · 6 years ago
I think that was really sweet of the little boy.
deleted · 6 years ago
And I read that letter, it was so heartfelt and innocent. I really felt bad for him. And it's not like they are really traditional and conservative, not that anything is wrong with it but, I felt that even a parent from a Conservative family would do something better than this.
celticrose · 6 years ago
This has nothing to do with being Conservative or Liberal, this is just messed up. If anything I would say it is taking being PC too far.
deleted · 6 years ago
PC? What's that?
deleted · 6 years ago
PC= Politically Correct
deleted · 6 years ago
Sorry to sound mean Spooky but your relative sounds like a great big meany.
deleted · 6 years ago
Oh sometimes he can be the biggest asshole.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
This was really hard to follow. Anyway... when I was 7 we had just moved to Texas, my mom had just remarried, and she wanted me to get to know everyone in my class so she went out of her way trying to introduce me to friends. The only one that stuck happened in a line at Albertson's (which turned into a Toys R us... and now... who knows what is next).. when we both were like U LIKE LEGOS? U LIKE LEGOS!?
It took me about a year, but the female friends came along... and one in particular I became smittin with... we'd do everything together; this lasted maybe 3 years before she took a shit in my guest toilet and accidentally clogged it and then my step-dad had a temper-tantrum and she didn't want to come over anymore out of embarrassment. I loathed my stepdad from then on.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
anyway, game 3.
parisqeen · 6 years ago
Jeez that's just kids doing what kids should do, in my opinion your relative/ parent of the kid should learn this is all a part of growing up. It's adorable and nothings wrong with it, he likes her and showed it in a really sweet and thoughtful way. However it unfolds should be determined by her and him. They're 7 for gods sake
blueunicorn · 6 years ago
my mom does that to me all the time, im not allowed to tell anyone other than family that i love them, im 16 almost 17, i think i would be old enough to tell if i was only interested in the guy or if i loved him. ive only experienced "love" once and i havnt felt it since so im not falling in love with every guy i meet. I dont understand parents or guardians who do this. it might not be love for you but to the person who is saying things like "i love you", that is their love, they know how it feels to them, your not inside their mind.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
I was gonna make a joke...but you are underage and I don't wanna deal with that shit.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
My sat went out at the same time.
blueunicorn · 6 years ago
make the joke, i got a good sense of humor
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
No like... it's not on you. It's a fucked up joke that I can only say if your mom or dad says would be ok.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
I figured it out. Go left for Piper Perri Go right for Disney princess. After that right, take two more rights. Congratulations daisy!