xvarnah · 6 years ago
I'd ask if you're okay but it doesn't sound like you are. I will say, though, that If someone is disappointed in you, regardless of what you do-- even when you're TRYING to do better-- then that sounds like it's not you that's the problem
deleted · 6 years ago
I definitely second this. There's only so much you can do. If people don't seem to appreciate or even see that you have poured your heart and soul then it's not you who is a disappointment.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
Just try not to disappoint yourself... but know your limits, don't try and think something like "The only way I'll be happy is if everyone I know is proud of me". That's just unrealistic.
deleted · 6 years ago
If someone is quicker to look down on you than they are to help you up, then their opinion is not worth your attention.
xavven · 6 years ago
I just want one to be proud of me.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
I'm proud of you for looking for seeking some help, even if from a bunch of degenerates :) <3
xvarnah · 6 years ago
Seconding what Funk said.
If you want to talk in more detail about what's going on or not, it still takes a lot to actually bring something like this up, rather than just letting it fester and wallowing in it, and I admire that
parisqeen · 6 years ago
I agree with what everyone has already said. It might be easier to see what's going on and help if you explain to us how you feel, what is it that others show that you believe means they're disappointed? Do you believe what you're doing is not good enough, or are there others who you think are doing better than you and therefore you don't feel good enough?
It's really difficult to get out of a certain mindset about yourself if there's been a streak of pain or guilt. I'm really proud of you for sharing.