
Supernatural: stop making salt circle. 19 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Game of Thrones: Stop saying "Not Today" when I walk into a room!
I knew it, I knew it! 17 comments
guest · 9 years ago
same guest here, and it could be this post just applies to those of us in the generation that did not see the original footage of the moon landings. I mean do you really think the message made it into every recording?
I knew it, I knew it! 17 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Or it could just be the Silence...
Tyler Oakley proves he is the bigger person. 35 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I thought the grammar mistake was that it should be "A sin"
Option c 21 comments
guest · 9 years ago
that is how satire is supposed to make you feel. This is wonderful satire a la "A Modest Proposal." It'd totally logically work. But it's meant to make you recoil at the idea through empathy. Honestly your reaction is exactly the reaction the man speaking wanted. least, I really HOPE this is satire
What the priority is 12 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Lots of other states and even countries aren't uch better. The people in power want to make sure their kids are the ones in power, and they're not displaced by cleverer poor kids. What better way to do that than to make sure only their kids are smart enough to handle power?
Childhood memories 22 comments
guest · 9 years ago
this post reeks of false superiority...
Mind blown 12 comments
guest · 9 years ago
why was kibbles downvoted? he's right, the p faces away from the u, and the d faces away from the n. It's written correctly.
Good girl JK Rowling 34 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Oh my god, she spent three full books building them up as a couple! They liked each other literally since puberty and it grew over time! I'm so sick of posts, comments, pics and fake article stories acting like there was nothing ever between Ron and Hermione and putting them together was some kind of massive error on J.K Rowlings part. Ron and Hermione were set up to be together in book four, and just took a few years to realise it themselves. Harry needed a girlfriend from somewhere else, he has zero romantic connection to Hermione, just leave the pairings alone!
A monument to modern whistle-blowers, Berlin, Germany 8 comments
guest · 9 years ago
this is beautiful
Pick your favorite! 42 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Maxing out my social links
The New Yorker gets it right on the money 10 comments
guest · 9 years ago
This is actually a good question! Before and after you got smacked in the face by reality, what did you want to do with your life? I'l start.
Before: Movie star! I wanted to act on the big screen, or sing. I wanted to be a singer as well. Basically it flips from day to day from one to the other
After: Something in politics. Not sure exactly what yet, but I'm looking into being a politician.
The New Yorker gets it right on the money 10 comments
guest · 9 years ago
guess what guest? The characters are 5. You telling me you had a realistic dream when you were five?
And yes, most people do dream bigger than they're capable of achieving.
Pro-choice 153 comments
guest · 9 years ago
doing something they know would result in pregnancy:
A defective condom
Defective birth control
Her Boyfriend promised he was going to wear a condom/was infertile and didn't/wasn't.
Condoms were sabotaged by crazy boyfriend/backstabbing friend/suspicious girlfriend the girl didn't know the guy had when she slept with him.
Girl doesn't know how sex works (ex. thinks 'pull out' method is effective means of contraception)
Are a couple of these still the girls fault? Sure. Does that give the state the right to force that woman, who may be as young as 16, to give birth? No. Even if you disagree with some of this list, the fact that this list exists still pokes massive holes into the argument that "a child is only conceived because two people intentionally committed a particular act which has, literally billions of times, resulted in the conception of a human life."
Pro-choice 153 comments
guest · 9 years ago
It wasn't quite as bad as the other guest made it out to be, but it was still an iffy argument. first off, the version given is weaker than the version of the argument here. In the version being responded to, it's some random musician. In the version posted here, it's your sister. That defeats his first argument simply by reframing the question, so guests evaluation of point one is accurate.
Now, for two and three, the authors argument is basically that you have no choice but to save your kid/sister because it's your fault what happened to them. Okay, first off, other guest is right. That isn't how consent works. But secondly, the writer here makes a point of clarifying that the exception to his argument is in cases of rape. Which first off, if that means he's okay with abortion in the specific instance of pregnancy born of rape, I actually respect his stance a lot more. But back to my argument. I am going to list off some other ways one could get pregnant without deliberately[cont]
Pro-choice 153 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Yeah that's about 5 months
Harvard, They're Doing It Right 56 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I am ashamed o be a part of this website, reading these comments. Completely ashamed.
If you have the power 55 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Why not both?
Rich kid problems 6 comments
guest · 9 years ago
yeah even on the ground that shits pretty tall
Supernatural: stop making salt circle. 19 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Doctor Who fandom: Blink, for god sakes!
It's almost like actions have consequences or something 6 comments
guest · 9 years ago
And then deny they did the screaming thing. *sigh* Because I'm always wrong, yeah?