
Accurate 15 comments
guest · 7 years ago
God damn logout button... .I need to write my passwords on paper, or on the wall, now I must make 5th trust mulder account, and bosoes would think I was deleted
Little guy enjoying the sand 8 comments
guest · 7 years ago
If you watch it backwards... Salt overdose
From Iran 11 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Iran is a sithhole, no matter how it is modernized, how the hell do you think havinga PC makes out for police beating women for naked ankle. I'm not saying you're like that, I honestly hope so that you protest about that daily, but still... You're not protesting enough. I'd selfimmolate myself and hug your fcking ayatollah,son of the unnamed goat. I mean, Europeans burned themselves down, and for what, for USSR invading Czech Republic, you sir are a oatmeal, lukewarm tasteless oatmeal. Till the day you throw down (through the window preferably) your shiteating dictators I'll think of you like rape puke, cause you obviously enjoy being raped.
y tho 25 comments
guest · 7 years ago
And what about when you break up with your girlfriend and you still love her so much that you chase out your wet dream side babes even and you still masturbate on her is it involuntary celibacy cause I didn't wanna break up. But it's not incel girls want me, I don't want them, it's not celibacy I'd want her. I want a gender too. White widower or something.
True that! 25 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Yeah, I have brown tidy whiteys and yellow tidy whiteys.
Deep political illustrations 12 comments
guest · 7 years ago
And also you can end up dead or life sentenced (un)like in your relationship if you fail. 8. People who vote are not sheep! You idiot idiot man. I don't know how it works in your country, here, if you don't get out to vote they, if 50 % did vote, simply add up all the minority parties' that didn't get more than 5-10 percent and the blank votes to the candidate that got most votes, without even asking if they want to give it to the other party and if it's under 50 % only then we repeat it but then only with 2 parties like in the USA and if smartasses don't vote again it's even easier that time blank votes are even easier. It probably isn't this bad with you, but it would be,if you imagine the elections are repeated 10 times and 90% of you don't vote every time, that will mean those 7% that did vote for the candidate you hate probably must win, can't be repeated indefinitely. So, again, very stupid. Cause repeating costs and you didn't prove anything. 9. Those window washers are "payed"
What do you think it means? 8 comments
guest · 7 years ago
What if they want to do the "butterfly kiss"
Lightning leaves its mark 7 comments
guest · 7 years ago
This will probably hurt him as long as he lives, not interesting at all, to him at least
The humans dont know yet 4 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Third one is a kiwi bird, kitten ate its head.
"red toad" 8 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Yeah and if you type bleached but*hole it shows pics of Justin Bieber blonde hair.
This guy received a gift from his mother in law 11 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Pornhub is back!!! See you next week
These were the least and most corrupt countries in 2015 24 comments
guest · 8 years ago
There is NOT a living soul in Serbia that hasn't taken bribe in whatever way. Not a living soul. This survey is shieeet. How can you trust officiall reports on bribery. Who made them. Serbian official statisticians? Most notorious in the world for corruption and bribe. You can buy presidential seat anywhere for less than 20 grands. You can become ambassador to Denmark. I had to bribe my own sister "She's my maid of honour, but still she's ready to grease me up a little,why shouldn't you? Don't make me choose, I'll choose a relative + money". My grandad killed a 13 yo on kid's brother's farewell to army (we make those, all of us used to go to army it's obligatory and you never know if you are coming back) ruined their celebration AND BRIBED them with 5 gold coins ("fcuk it we'll make another kid"). We bribe our butchers, even garbage men, our anesthetic doctor, homeless men are bribing soup kitchen staff for a meal, last asthma pump in town,drivers license and hitting a man with car...
Meals 5 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Fcuk the left side. I would eat the hell out of the right one. Who's with me.