
Scumbag 11 comments
guest · 7 years ago
That's the difference between the us and U.K. We have a very different meaning for the term marginalised. Margianlised refers to anyone who is made to seem unimportant and pushed to the fringes of society.
What about the homeless? What about the people who have spent their entire lives moving from institution to institution through no fault of their own? May that be from care home to care home to prison to prison with no opportunity to change their life or the direction it moves in? The world we live in is scary. Many many people find themselves without a residence or health and social care through no fault of their own. These days we are a victim of circumstance and we have very little control.
Maybe drug abuse and the criminality that follows would be less of a problem if we addressed the issues at heart and why these people use heroin as the only way to cope with their lives.
By no means am I suggesting legalise (read previous comment) I just think there alternative ways
Scumbag 11 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Do you not think that people who abuse drugs or have an addiction to drugs maybe have some underlying issues which need to be addressed? Now don't get me wrong I'm not saying legalise and let everyone snort or smoke whatever they want but you often find that the most marginalised members of society are the ones incarcerated for their drug and mental health problems, which lets face it just makes things 10 times worse in terms of recovery and rehabilitation. Drug use is a health and mental health problem which leads to criminal problems and criminal activity and ruins the lives of these marginalised people and their families and removes all of their chances at recovering and giving themselves new life chances and opportunities. Tabacco and alcohol cause more mortality than all of the illicit drugs combined. We all have a lot to learn from the way that Portugal treats this problem and the current health of their population. Not everyone is as lucky as you!