
He's so full of shit 12 comments
guest · 7 years ago
No fucking kidding, dude
I'll take shit that never happened for 500 please 36 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Honestly, I actually believe it ( could have) happened. When I was in high school ( 12 years ago) , this kind of thing happened more than you'd like to believe. Teachers bullying students, students occasionally losing it on said teachers, other teachers having to come to the aid of said students.
Shit is not uncommon.
It's just a joke 47 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Straight people have :
the right to be straight without persecution, oppression, or the constant threat of having their rights/freedoms/humanity taken away from them at every damn second.
Which is a hell of a lot better than a fucking month (woop de doo).
I'm not hating, I'm not gay. Just pointing out the numerous errors in the post. The idea of heaven has nothing to do with being straight and the LGBT community would gladly give up their parades and months for some simple humanity and security.