
This Cop dog refusing to go to work is so cute lol 2 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Hahahaha! LOL! So, a dog trained to attack people listens to its trainer so well, that it ignores his handlers repeated instructions. So funny. I'm not sure who should be fired first, the dog or the clueless cop.
Daddy steps on his present 2 comments
guest · 6 years ago
What kind of a moron records a puppy pooping in their house? Ohh, that would be my aunt who i should charge for carpet cleaning after she spends a week at my house with her dog.
See the difference in growth rate between new and old trees 15 comments
guest · 6 years ago
The flipper that bought the house next door, built @1900 was thoroughly gutted because of this. He not only removed the plasterboard, he replaced the studs used to frame the house. He took those studs and had them cut for flooring for his next project.
The new owner was pleased with his new drywall, but pissed his old house lost its original bones.