
Seems legit 7 comments
guest · 9 years ago
i need this
#LettersMatter 3 comments
guest · 9 years ago
The "T" movie got me
Redneck dream 15 comments
guest · 9 years ago
the only vehicle i would have in the zombie apacolypse
sweggir 7 comments
guest · 9 years ago
That sounds like a challenge 42 comments
guest · 9 years ago
sounds like a friday night for my friends
Someone forgot that MRIs are giant magnets 21 comments
guest · 9 years ago
that is one hell of a magnet
this should have been in the movie! 2 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I agree
Fat hiding level: 80 9 comments
guest · 9 years ago
she looks cute
Jesus said come fourth 8 comments
guest · 9 years ago
please don't make fun of religions
Some advice to you boys 17 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I like chubby girls so this is how i fight to their heart
The first days at the gym 7 comments
guest · 9 years ago
that kid got some swag in his soul
What losing 70+ pounds does to your face 16 comments
guest · 9 years ago
i like the first
Yup, that part of the internet. 11 comments
guest · 9 years ago
i must become a thing
Hunger Games 2 comments
guest · 9 years ago
lololol woooooooooow
And you thought you were having a bad day! 21 comments
guest · 9 years ago
on number six look at the drivers face. =D
Mothers have that effect 7 comments
guest · 9 years ago
it is so cute
Gotta get them! 7 comments
guest · 9 years ago
don't insult autistic people plez
Corgi stuck in a fence 10 comments
guest · 9 years ago
he done goofed :c 8 comments
guest · 9 years ago
i thought i was going to say sin for the extra ingrediant
Deathbed promise 5 comments
guest · 9 years ago
when i die my deathbed wish would be that my children will follow the holy path, and not disgrace the family name, in that case i will haunt them thou
Those vertices 7 comments
guest · 9 years ago
wow nice hair
Sh*t Sh*t 8 comments
guest · 9 years ago
There is no other word for this
No. OVER the bars 4 comments
guest · 10 years ago
she is cute thou
Have you ever been so fat, you had two asses? 7 comments
guest · 10 years ago
The most incredible well on earth 15 comments
guest · 10 years ago
The trip of death
Looking for my name 17 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I am not sure if my name is there (Aiden)
Fishing with a hand grenade 11 comments
guest · 10 years ago
i hope they are not dead
Not on my watch 18 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Ah another species trying to pull a massive nope on us
After all cat fails, I give you bunny fail 10 comments
guest · 10 years ago
We The People vs The Government 21 comments
guest · 10 years ago
We will over throw all the tyrants, but Obama is doing great so he is fine
No 5 comments
guest · 10 years ago
There is a reason, to praise the lord and follow him to the ends of the earth
Swedish mannequins have different shaped models 16 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Russian's WW2 anti-air gun is very impressive 6 comments
guest · 10 years ago
the good old Russian theory wins again
Trying to squeeze in as much fun as I can before school starts 21 comments
guest · 10 years ago
that is me every day
Hank Hill's opinion on the world cup 2 comments
guest · 10 years ago
he is a good father
Pancake in a rice cooker 6 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Unexpected 7 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Almost called it
You can't tell me what to do 21 comments
guest · 10 years ago
That cute girl in the last panel thou
It's a flippopotamus 9 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I walk into the club like what up i am a cute chub
The fijian taxi driver 12 comments
guest · 10 years ago
The feels
Ice cube coffee in cold milk 4 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Ultimate prank: Chocolate cubes that are really coffee
Ouch. 6 comments
guest · 10 years ago
i want that cake
Simply beautiful 4 comments
guest · 10 years ago
What a masterpiece
Saddest moments in your childhood films 49 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Help, i am flooding my house
Yes, I play video games. 9 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Yes, I like fire
Tiny snake 18 comments
guest · 10 years ago
When my girlfriend tells you her period is late 11 comments
guest · 10 years ago
No mam, your period is not late
More appropriate 4 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I hate this so much. 3 comments
guest · 10 years ago