

Genius inspires resentment. A sad fact of life - Artemis Fowl
My common sense is tingling- Deadpool
Deadpool Report User

She has an interesting take on life...

She has an interesting take on life...

I lost it at "Deduce me John"

I lost it at "Deduce me John"

its worse when they act like they know more about your fandom than you.

its worse when they act like they know more about your fandom than you.

The silence is slowly killing me...

The silence is slowly killing me...

I almost got mad at this guy, but then...

I almost got mad at this guy, but then...

*sobs even more*

*sobs even more*

He can walk on water too!

He can walk on water too!

B-b-but Pizza...

B-b-but Pizza...

He was always beautiful :')

He was always beautiful :')

because cliffhangers.

because cliffhangers.