


— DiyRogue Report User
I didn't know that crosswalk lights had genders 75 comments
diyrogue · 7 years ago
Whenever people complain about those kinds of signs I always say " how do you know that's a woman, though ? Have you ever met a Scottish man ? "
Guys have it harder ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 4 comments
diyrogue · 7 years ago
They sure do, buddy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
23 · Edited 7 years ago
Thanks c*nt 12 comments
diyrogue · 7 years ago
You're right, it's like bitch and the n word. They want to " reclaim " it to mean something positive but if you use it you're an asshole
I didn't know that crosswalk lights had genders 75 comments
diyrogue · 7 years ago
" I'm sorry Jimmy. The Public school can't afford a library anymore because they'd rather focus our tax dollars on fixing the sexist crosswalk lights "
Some people shouldn't be parents 69 comments
diyrogue · 7 years ago
It is abnormal. That doesn't mean it's bad, though. Just because it's been around a long time still doesn't mean it's normal.
For example, roses and candy are the primary gifts for Valentine's day. It's been that way for a long time. But let's say you give someone something like new furniture or something that isn't typically given. It's abnormal, people have probably done it before, but that doesn't mean it's normal. Abnormal just means anything not normal, it isn't a specific type of not normal. Just because it's something that's rare but happens doesn't mean it suddenly becomes normal.
Brb gotta go for a run 11 comments
diyrogue · 7 years ago
I mean ... In America at least I'm pretty sure Muslim women are given the choice to wear it ? I get a bunch of mixed reasons why but in my area ive been told they're allowed to choose at puberty.
Brb gotta go for a run 11 comments
diyrogue · 7 years ago
Then just tell your gym coach you can't afford one because they're surely going to be overpriced
Some people shouldn't be parents 69 comments
diyrogue · 7 years ago
I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding you but saying something isn't normal isn't the same as telling someone they're wrong for existing ? Normal IS the majority because that's what most people would be accustomed to so it's NORMAL. Though trans is a thing that's been around for a long time, that doesn't mean it's normal because less than 1% of the world has it so it's rare to meet an actual trans person, it's just easier to do it ( and fake it ) with the internet.
Gees, now you are just asking too much 18 comments
diyrogue · 7 years ago
Gaston's lacky. The one who sings " Gaston "
Gees, now you are just asking too much 18 comments
diyrogue · 7 years ago
That's a tragedy as well
Gees, now you are just asking too much 18 comments
diyrogue · 7 years ago
I'm too pissed off at the dress to care if there's a gay character
Some people shouldn't be parents 69 comments
diyrogue · 7 years ago
Can you elaborate on that ?
Some people shouldn't be parents 69 comments
diyrogue · 7 years ago
^ yeah, basically the first thing they go to when they disagree with you is doxxing you, not caring who sees your private info ( an abusive ex, a stalker, a murderer ) just because they know people don't want their private into out like that. It's actually illegal unless filling out a police report so if they do it to you you need to call the cops.
Ain't this the truth 26 comments
diyrogue · 7 years ago
I think the disagreement comes from it being unecessary ? Of course other religions have people like this who go into their houses of worship. That's not something you can really deny unless you have a tiny religion. And the terms can be easily replaced, there's not really anything you gain by trying to point out something that no one gives a shit about. I'm pretty sure the people of non Christian faiths that do this replaced it in their head already. Plus, I don't really think you can tell how many people have downvoted you anymore. It could just be one person who really doesn't like you but idk.
Some people shouldn't be parents 69 comments
diyrogue · 7 years ago
Oh right, because the only languages they understand are stupid, offended, and oppreshun ?
Some people shouldn't be parents 69 comments
diyrogue · 7 years ago
What the fuck. I hope you're a troll. " Normal " isn't a male archetype. Normal is the norm. Meaning what is usually done. That doesn't meant normal is good or anything not normal is bad. It used to be normal for rape victims to have to marry their rapist but was that a good thing ? No. It used to be normal to be racist but was that good ? No.
Some people shouldn't be parents 69 comments
diyrogue · 7 years ago
I believe at least 18 because if you don't think they should drink, smoke, date, vote or have sex until that age, how are you going to let them start hormones that will leave them sterile after 6 months ? I especially hate when they let kids do it early because their hormones are crazy you can fuck them up, plus what if a girl says she's a boy at 10, you let her transition, but at 20 she realizes she really wants to be a girl ? You done fucked up and it would be your fault as the parent, not theirs.
Some people shouldn't be parents 69 comments
diyrogue · 7 years ago
So on Tumblr there was this trans person who said they wanted all cis people to die. I asked them on Anon ( I'm not trying to get doxxed ) if they had a cis kid would they murder them or force them into being trans which is exactly why she hates cis people and she replied " this is why I hate anons " ... I still think I asked a legit question
Pancake day is 'crepe'ing up on us 12 comments
diyrogue · 7 years ago
You can always set something up with your spouse where they give you something akin to an allowance and you can save
One of the most talented actors of our era 7 comments
diyrogue · 7 years ago
Like when people say you have a natural talent for drawing but you've worked hard to get to where you are
For when people try to make white guilt a thing 46 comments
diyrogue · 7 years ago
There's a difference between censoring people and making it so trolls can't spam and harass people without consequence
It's funny because it's true 37 comments
diyrogue · 7 years ago
Have you ever met a chav ?
She nailed Betty Boop's makeup transformation 8 comments
diyrogue · 7 years ago
Because Betty Boop was a 30s character that had a 20s design and their eyebrows were modeled after the Egyptians who drew them thin and very far out
Ain't this the truth 26 comments
diyrogue · 7 years ago
Really though I have had people act like I'm worse for not going to church at all when they're the ones thinking going at least makes any bad things they do justifiable
The coolest bunk beds in existence 7 comments
diyrogue · 7 years ago
Yeah but this is probably more expensive than just buying bunk beds and the kids in that room would outgrow them in a few years so you'd have to tear it down
4 · Edited 7 years ago