"You make me sick" - The most common response they have when they start to lose an argument. Sigh.. People invest so much emotion and hatred into a mistranslation..
One thing about the bible that weirds me out is how many things it explicitly forbids but people do anyway and see nothing wrong with. Blended fabrics, the eating of any sea creature that isn't fish, synthetic fibers, are just a few things that are forbidden. Despite that, how many go about wearing polyester, blended fabrics and enjoying, shellfish? What I'm saying is, don't take the bible too literally.
I'm pretty sure that the rules of the Hebrew scriptures don't apply anymore, those were there to protect the people from diseases and infections and stuff. (Some of them anyway)
Deadbird, the things like synthetic fibers, blended fabrics, and shellfish all came from the Hebrew scriptuers like justaguess says. These rules applied to certain people and some rules applied to certain genders of those groups. For any christian today if rules were not stated again in the new testament then they no longer apply. I can go in depth if you would like me to.
Yes. The reason we don't use (most) of the rules set in them is because Jesus' whole purpose on earth was to fulfill the prophecies & law. When he died, the laws were fulfilled and whatever he taught became the new law.
New testament states clear jesus has died for you, sin is gone, and forgiveness has taken place, God has saved you, if you a murderer, gay, bi, lez, rapest anything know this God has taken your sin onto himself and has made you worthy, he found a loop hole in his own justice system because of his amazing love for you, so this thing where people shun others remember you have sin aswell but God has given you a way though love, so take the plank from your eye before you take the splinter from someone elses, God bless
You know what else the bible says- no tattoos, no pork (NO BACON for you bacon lovers), as stated no sex before marrige, no divorce, and no seafood aside from fish. People love to pick and choose from the bible. But you religious folk know one of the most important teachings in the bible is to LOVE ONE ANOTHER. (This rant is coming from a catholic girl who goes to a catholic school) just wanted to share my views since some peoples are kind of crooked.
But honestly I agree viv. If someone is going to take things out the bible, use it in context and use it for pure heartful helpful ways instead of distruction
It's not "making fun of religion", it's just pointing out that some things that might have seemed "wrong" at the time the bible was written aren't always seen that way nowadays because society changes; so you don't always have to repeat what the bible says like if it was totally truthfull and right
Pretty sure that ^ guest is writing that on every religious post on this site...chill out dude. If you're easily offended don't read these posts. Simples!!