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Why would he do that?

Why would he do that?

A very well behaved British Blackbird

A very well behaved British Blackbird



Brawny plucky imminent

Brawny plucky imminent

Saw this on a funeral service van

Saw this on a funeral service van

The egg that I was going to boil to eat just eliminated my appetite

The egg that I was going to boil to eat just eliminated my appetite

This is Yoshi

This is Yoshi

Priced Emu

Priced Emu

An amazing roof over a longhouse

An amazing roof over a longhouse

Was on a job site and stumbled across a Pileated Woodpecker. This fella was huge

Was on a job site and stumbled across a Pileated Woodpecker. This fella was huge
Jump to page: days ago