

JollySailorBold Report User
Pro-choice 153 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
I feel she should be allowed to have an abortion whatever the case.
The message is hard but very clear, every irresponsible action cause an irreparable 27 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
because there are too many to count all over the world
omg she is so heartless he doesn't have hands af 18 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
it's really not that bad. People seem to feel the need to jump to the defence of people with disabilities/ of ethnic minority etc, without hearing how the subject actually feels about the situation. I know a girl in a wheelchair- she jokes about it herself. Just because somebody is considered 'different' doesn't mean they're suddenly mega-sensitive, in fact considering them all that way almost alienates them more, because then everybody is tiptoeing around them like they're going to shatter. Even just calling a black person 'black' is called out as racist a lot now- it's going too far- there's an obvious difference between a tiny sarcastic joke and a malicious insult.
Pro-choice 153 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
I find it really interesting that the 'pro-life' arguers aren't responding to this comment, which is the only real life case we have in the comments section. I admire your courage to do what you did- it must have been a really tough decision.
Pro-choice 153 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
so you should throw your life, your partner's life, and both your families' lives down the drain for a two minute mistake you made when you were 15 years old and got drunk once or a condom broke? Also, if you're too 'stupid to use a condom or birth control' if anything that's proof that you aren't fit to care for a child. Your logic is saying 'you screwed up a level 5 task on a scale of 1-10. So we're going to give you a level 10 challenge.' That's not how it works. you go back, you take the experience to realise where you went wrong- you be more careful and have more awareness and understanding.
Pro-choice 153 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
Condoms can break. Rape happens. Mistakes happen. It's amazing how quickly people will turn on somebody they've never heard anything about just at the news of 'she's having an abortion'. She is in the superior position of the decision here because this isn't something that just goes away after giving birth- it's there for life. You can't win nowadays- get pregnant by accident at 16- everybody judges because your a teen mum. Have an abortion- everybody judges because you prevented yourself from becoming a teen mum. I don't support aborting handicapped children, or aborting a child late in the pregnancy- but I would never judge a woman because she made the independent decision that she couldn't handle having a child for whatever reason.
Pro-choice 153 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
Fairytalepreferenc, I couldn't agree more.
Pro-choice 153 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
you're right. A man came and forced me to have sex with him and left me with a kid- nobody plans on supporting me, I'm a teenage girl in the middle of her education, all my future plans have to be dropped, everybody thinks I'm a slut and I'm going to have to go through the terror of pregnancy and childbirth then the worse terror of taking responsibility of a child who will remind me of possibly the worst experience of my life no matter how much I love them. Does that sound fair? That foetus doesn't have dreams- that foetus doesn't have a life already. The foetus didn't choose to be created- well what if the mother didn't choose to create the foetus either? No, I'm sorry- it's easy to look from the outside and shun people, but SHE'S the one who has to completely rearrange her life and HERSELF around the child. Not you.
Pro-choice 153 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
That and, a lot of women don't want to be a mother. I have a friend and she never wants kids because she wants to solely focus on her career and she just isn't a fan of children. Of course that could change, but if she doesn't want a child, she shouldn't have to have one- especially if she was forced. If I was raped, I think my first thought would be to have an abortion as quick as possible- before I can get attached. One of the most terrifying things would be knowing you've instantly got a target on your back because what you consider a foetus that reminds of a horrible experience- others see as a baby that you should be grateful for.
Pro-choice 153 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
1) Adoption isn't a free pass as you seem to think. A lot of kids these days don't get adopted, there's too many kids, not enough decent parents.
2) While the child is in the womb, it doesn't know if it is unwanted or unplanned, and even after it won't understand for a few months at least probably.
4) An unborn child's life is yet to be lived. they don't have dreams and aspirations. The parents and families and friends do. And a baby will affect every one of them.
I don't for a second think that handicapped children should be aborted simply because of a disability- I feel that if you're in the later stages of pregnancy, unless your own life is at risk- I hope I would go through with it.
But I'm 14, and I can tell you know if I got pregnant I would have an abortion- no question about it. Consented, rape, a sincere accident or stupidity- I know I'm not ready for a kid, I'm terrified of pregnancy and having to reshape my whole future. Call it selfish, cowardice- but I'd do it.
5 · Edited 9 years ago
Pro-choice 153 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
mate, sometimes it is a flat out accident. Sometimes the condom breaks- most methods of contraception are not 100% guaranteed to prevent pregnancy. Even if it is unprotected- I personally feel a woman (and usually a man and both their families and friends) should have to sacrifice their choices for the rest of their lives, because of a mistake they could have made in their teen years out of drunkenness or something.
aww :((((( 18 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
yes but we have the advantage of a) superior intelligence, and b) weaponry. Those claws won't do much good next to a gun, which as I understand it, the US currently has (I'm in the UK-no bears, no guns). The animal is relying on instinct, it senses a threat and of course it's the fight or flight reaction- it's not thinking "oh I don't want to scare them" it's thinking, "If I look big enough they'll back off and leave me alone". They don't understand that we see it as an attack when it's normally a defence, standing on two legs is a sort of warning in most cases.
hulk smashes a lot of things 19 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
I'm not sure, but I saw it in a youtube compilation so you should be able to find it somewhere on there
aww :((((( 18 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
they're's their way of saying 'back off.' they can't just say 'leave me alone."
What blacks think 86 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
no, you really do just seem like a huge fucking idiot. How are people supposed to take racism seriously when it gets pointed out in the tiniest details? 'White girls do this' 'White boys do that' but of course since they're white- no problem whatsoever. Nowadays if you even call a black person black- BAM racist.
The real cause of it all 70 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
That's When You Know Everything Is Wrong 44 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
GUYS. Stop complaining on a website acting all high and mighty on your high horses like you know everything about every conflict happening in the world, like you know exactly how it started and exactly what to do to amend it. The world is a shitty place, but not one of us is doing any help with these self-righteous attitudes- we're all sitting here arguing about wars through a screen, the majority of us with a good home and healthy, while the people actually IN the war are dying and desperate for aid. Do you think they appreciate it? No. They want bloody help- they want somebody to actually stop it, not just say 'it's wrong'. I know I'm not doing anything either, I won't for a minute state that I'm doing more than anybody else- not by a long shot. And I know it's nowhere near as simple as just getting on a plane and going to help, but if you think arguing through a screen with a stranger is getting the world any better- you're wrong.
Beauty is a social concept - health isn't 33 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
I don't want to be interfering with somebody's personal life. However, I think people need to be more educated on the consequences of becoming obese and know that however comfortable you may feel, that could have a horrible turn in later years. It can get outright dangerous. If you want to risk the health hazards- that's your choice, but people should know before they decide.
aww :((((( 18 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
well they can't exactly put the claws away. What do you want them to buy jackets and just shove their front paws in their pockets whenever we come around?
Supernatural: stop making salt circle. 19 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
Supernatural: For god's sake stop trying to exorcise eachover!
I'm not saying basketball players aren't tough, wait no, that's exactly what I'm saying 39 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
I love how people are focusing on the one who got his testicles speared when there is a guy who got his bloody jugular sliced! A hole in your testicles may hurt like hell and kill your sex life but it won't kill YOU!
Whoa. 11 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
wow, puberty was kind to Dash
hulk smashes a lot of things 19 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
Chris evans is actually a manchild. One of my favourite interviews:
Chris E- Am I really the only one here without kids?!
Chris H- You're our child.
He has literally been labelled the baby of the group. I love him so much xD
omg she is so heartless he doesn't have hands af 18 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
oh my god guys the title is obviously meant as a joke.
superwoman telling it like it is 19 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
If I look like i'm in pain- ask away. if I look ready to rip somebody's head off, don't immediately think 'she's on her period'. Just because I'm losing my own blood doesn't mean I'm automatically looking for somebody else's to replace.