Jones Sylvester


Jones Sylvester Report User

Looking down from 1400 feet above Central Park

Looking down from 1400 feet above Central Park

India is indeed a land of wisdom

India is indeed a land of wisdom

Remove pomme

Remove pomme

And proud

And proud

F*ck them, up

F*ck them, up

If you can’t tell then you’re still an amateur weeb

If you can’t tell then you’re still an amateur weeb

'No, we didn't blow them up. They're just... In storage! But you can't seem them though'

'No, we didn't blow them up. They're just... In storage! But you can't seem them though'

Damn them

Damn them

Anon has ADHD

Anon has ADHD

Weird buff highschooler starterpack

Weird buff highschooler starterpack