

— Kissalinda Report User
The kitty has been traumatised 10 comments
kissalinda · 6 years ago
But to lather your cat you'd have to stick your fingers in between the bars, which when bathing a cat would be like sticking your fingers into a blender...
Timing 13 comments
kissalinda · 6 years ago
The dad probably couldn't give a damn, he probably didn't care because he knew his daughter got what she deserved.
People are being rewarded to be sick and unfit in America 7 comments
kissalinda · 6 years ago
I cant find the security video of the customers getting their feet trapped. The footage was reviewed by Walmart and likely in court, but I'm not sure if they released it to the public.
People are being rewarded to be sick and unfit in America 7 comments
kissalinda · 6 years ago
He was 59 and got his foot stuck in a pallet underneath the watermelon display and security footage showed multiple people also getting stuck in the pallet. He sued Walmart for having an unsafe environment that he was injured in as he shattered his hip because of the pallet. The article states the man used to play basketball frequently so I doubt his fitness level is what caused his injury and that picking up a watermelon wouldn't be particularly risky for him. The pallet is what cause his injury not the watermelon, his hip is shattered and he now needs a walker to get around.
I knew it! 1 comments
kissalinda · 6 years ago
"It looks like you're trying to solve a mystery. Would you like some help?"
I'm guilty of this 59 comments
kissalinda · 6 years ago
The good Samaritan act is to protect those that do help from legal action that may be taken against them. The "duty to rescue" is when you can be held accountable for not rescuing somone in danger, but its not used in most counties. The only time it is used in most counties is if you are their parent/guardian or you are directly resposible for the dangerous situation.
Mayor Despot 12 comments
kissalinda · 6 years ago
Gotta send them some furniture in the mail, they wont be able to leave because they have to display it. You're staying in my town whether you want to or not
How's your mother? 5 comments
kissalinda · 6 years ago
Well just saying "more pics" is a bit rude, he also should ask if they are still selling if too. He doesn't have to ask them their life story or be overly courteous but he could have just said "Is the car still for sale, and if so could i get a few more pictures of it?"
French cat 8 comments
kissalinda · 6 years ago
Hey that's a nautical cat not a french cat! We're being lied to! Look hes even in a ship! I'll never trust a cat in a striped shirt again
She had class 9 comments
kissalinda · 6 years ago
The link to the video if anyone wants to watch. A warning that it is disturbing to watch, seing as what they made these poor kids do on camera.
She had class 9 comments
kissalinda · 6 years ago
There's a video on YouTube that reveals many of Shirley Temples movies being pretty much kiddie porn. It's absolutely disgusting and you never really noticed it watching the movies as a kid. But I mean what can you expect when the titles are named "Baby burlesque". Watching her being sexualized in her movies as a kid only 3 years old makes me suspicious of what may have happened to her behind closed doors, I doubt this example was the only time something like that happened to that poor girl.
10 · Edited 6 years ago
America's Very First Serial Killer 29 comments
kissalinda · 6 years ago
If you want someone to blame for the actions taken against natives, and the actions that are still taken today, blame those that have carried out those actions. You don't blame the actions of a handful of racist assholes on the entirety of a population, but if you want to live in your ignorance, be my guest.
America's Very First Serial Killer 29 comments
kissalinda · 6 years ago
No it wasn't, as I said over and over again, they were there to further themselves and going out of their way to harm natives was a waste of time and resources, the natives weren't a problem and were mostly ignored. It's you who needs a history lesson, you're the one stating myths from missinformed middle school lessons, and perhaps a lesson in learning in general may help you because you seem to think you know it all. Your close minded view has made you turn a blind eye to the actual facts, you just want to believe that the europeans were all bad because you want to blame someone. There were some malicious Europeans, and you should blame them for what was done to the natives, but the common european people that came to colonize America were no more malicious than you and me. "Europeans wanted to destroy native culture" that's like saying the actions of the KKK represents the views of all of America, the actions of a handful of Europeans do not represent the majority.
Translucent shark egg 4 comments
kissalinda · 6 years ago
I thought it was some prehistoric shark trapped in amber somehow
Got the butthole all ready to go 6 comments
kissalinda · 6 years ago
Just the necessities
Romania's largest bell 9 comments
kissalinda · 6 years ago
The cathedral is estimated to cost about €200 million and while it does feature a 1000 person soup kitchen, its also boasts 2 hotels and a €425,000 bell. The cathedral is to be fitted with 5 other bells all of which total only €50,000, for all 5. A soup kitchen for 1000 wouldn't even help, 25% of the population live in poverty as Romania has the highest poverty rate in the EU. The cathedral will have 2 hotels, but they can't use those for homeless shelters? Not even one of the hotels?
Romania's largest bell 9 comments
kissalinda · 6 years ago
Are they going to use the bell as an attraction? I thought most cathedrals don't allow you in the bell towers because they can be kind of dangerous. They could come to hear the bell though, so I guess thats something.
America's Very First Serial Killer 29 comments
kissalinda · 6 years ago
Yeah, not even MOST europeans wanted to destroy native culture, that's ridiculous. Most europeans didn't care about the natives, they went to America to pursue wealth and further themselves, that didn't change when they met the natives. As long as natives didn't get in their way, they were not a problem. There were some europeans that made it a point that they didn't like the natives, many of which went on into lawmaking in order to purposely harm and hinder the natives through legislation. These laws and militant actions taken by a few racist europeans are why it seems all europeans hated the natives, when in reality they were indifferent to them. Most europeans didn't care about the natives, they were in America to better their own lives and any attempts at "destroying the natives culture" took away time and resources they could use to further their own gains, it was easier to ignore them, and that's what most europeans did.
Such a personal connections 12 comments
kissalinda · 6 years ago
Thia kinda sounds like something you would do if you wanted your coworker to stop calling you outside of work. She may be messing with you so you leave her alone
Tricks that everyone should know about cooking 12 comments
kissalinda · 6 years ago
The first one is true for nearly everything not just steak, it's called carry over cooking and it tends to really mes everything up. Cook/bake a little under that way your food doesn't end up overcooked and dry.
America's Very First Serial Killer 29 comments
kissalinda · 6 years ago
As for the legislation set in place as far as allotments and reservations, you can blame that on racism in legislation, not Europeans trying to destroy a culture. Racism that still exsist today. But as we see even today, legislation doesn't always equal the views of the people, just because there were racist asshole lawmakers that decided this for the natives ,does not mean every single european agreed with this, had a say in it, or wanted to exterminate and destroy native culture.
America's Very First Serial Killer 29 comments
kissalinda · 6 years ago
You're the one telling lies to yourself, third. That you honestly believe every european man, woman, and child wanted to exterminate the natives has to be the dumbest shit I've ever heard. Just as frostbite said, the europeans were trying to further themselves, and they did kill natives who get in the way of that. No one is justifying genocide, because the fact is genocide's very definition emphasizes the word "intentional". Nearly 90% of natives were killed by disease and Its been dubunked that diseases were not weaponized to kill natives. Meaning nearly 90% of the death toll was unintentional. There were handfuls of militant europeans that did want genocide for the natives, that wanted to intentionally exterminate them, but a few men wanting to exterminate natives definitely does not equal ALL europeans marching on ALL natives to wipe them out. Most europeans didn't care about the natives being there, as long as they didn't get in there way of colonization.
That explains it 9 comments
kissalinda · 6 years ago
Who cares about that stuff, we have to worry about the real dangers people! Sea bears....
Yummy, machine extruded goodness 14 comments
kissalinda · 6 years ago
Wouldn't you still have to acquire the stem cells from a cow or a cow fetus? So it would still kinda be an animal by-product
America's Very First Serial Killer 29 comments
kissalinda · 6 years ago
But to say natives never wiped out other cultures and that all Europeans came to America with the intent to exterminate just isn't true. The massive death toll was due to disease, and disease that was transferred unintentionally. There were definitely some asshole Europeans that wanted genocide, but without natives being more susceptible, the Europeans wouldn't have even had a chance at trying to exterminate all natives.