

I'm nineteen, and studying to be an elementary school teacher. That's all you need to know for now (:
leahmroy Report User

The choice is clear.

The choice is clear.

I feel pretty

I feel pretty

Thought I'd respond with some peace and harmony to an FS argument from earlier

Thought I'd respond with some peace and harmony to an FS argument from earlier

I've made a terrible mistake.

I've made a terrible mistake.

Chuckle chuckle chuckle

Chuckle chuckle chuckle

Way to go, Disney

Way to go, Disney

Why you should always be kind

Why you should always be kind

You'd think they would've learned by now

You'd think they would've learned by now

Love this movie, but that part actually bothered me

Love this movie, but that part actually bothered me

But they made things interesting!

But they made things interesting!