

— LindsMolinari Report User
Well that must've been awkward 8 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
excuse me but how does a gun and being naked go together logically? wouldn't you want to hypothetically have at least some pants on so in case you have to shoot someone in the middle of the night, at least your balls won't accidentally get in the way?
As a gamer, none of these apply 8 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
it's not. days don't have 40 hours on average.
"Today is the first day of the rest of your life..." 16 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
i've been told the fear of a reccurence is even worse. you may beat cancer but you continue fearing it might return for the rest of your life. apparently the regular check-ups are literal hell.
Toad with many hats 6 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
Daisy is a very pretty dog!
What I want in this day 1 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
i once made the mistake of ordering an irish coffe at the coffee&refreshemnts shop at uni. the dude behind ht ecounter went 'WHAT? WITH WHISKEY??' and lots of people stared and i just mumbled 'nononothat's fine give me a regular one'. i honestly thought if there's an instant coffee mix flavoured like spicy cupcakes there would be one smelling like irish cream. i was wrong.
Brilliant escape 9 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
didn't jim carrey make an excellent gay movie about this stuff? :P
What is wrong with these people?! 16 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
may the gods give you strenght. uwu ...i know i would strangle idiots like that on the spot. >.<
What is wrong with these people?! 16 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
it's a fucking GIRAFFE. how is anything a giraffe does /sexually explicit/?! even if it's making babies, iit's .. A GIRAFFE. for god's sake when will this isane hypersensitivity trend FINALLY DIE OFF?!?
Good luck ma dudes 8 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
as a person 5 years into uni... my advice is to cling to highschool as hard as you can bc it will be over too soon and what you thought was literal hell, well, you'll see how highschool is in fact room temperature hell compared to uni which is a fullblown hell, your ass is on fire 24/7 and all the fire extinguishers contain gasoline.
The end is near 49 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
people, she's 13. ...if you really want to go all raging psychopath on someone, how bout her parents or whoever raised her?
Anger 9 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
this is splendid !! :D
Post for the amazing update 8 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
i'm not sure it's very healthy to allow someone to wake you up every night at 4am because they had nightmares or whatever. being there for your friends is good and admirable but ruining your own health for the sake of someone else's, well...
Dedication 7 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
this is the sort of thing i will forever find perplexing i mean why waste time and money on something stupid and annoying like this? it's not even pretty, it's not a nice gesture, it has no fucking use. just ... waste. the fuck leads a person to do stuff like this?
The best jurassic park ever made 12 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
that's prolly because it wasn not in fact cgi. it was an animatronic t-rex, the single most badass dinosaur in cinematic history, i believe. :D
At least they brought us tea 6 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
p. sure the Chinese were the absolutely first ones to invent tea app 5000 or so years ago. Amazing people over there.
Brutal 10 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
good job! i mean, the deer didn't go to waste, not ven the teeth!
Creepy statue in a swamp 9 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
Rick Grimes' version of a garden gnome
Just a thought..  14 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
hehe but have you heard about prohibition? that went great didn't it?
How to know you've grown up 14 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
no that just means you've reached that point where you'd gladly welcome the cold embrace of death because stress has you in pain and half dead anyway.
Stuffs I can barely afford mostly 19 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
also books. steal all the books. and those fucking fancy notebooks that cost so much like they're made of solid gold.
It's not too late to change 24 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
i'm curious how do you even get that fat in the first place. and please don't tell me /all/ of these people have some mysteriously tragic disease that /causes/ obesity. bc that's rare okay. it's usually the other way round: obesity causing diseases.
I don't think he'll ever be able to recover 12 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
i don't get this shit, honestly. how is it such an alien concept if you introduce your significant other to your close friends?? significant other's parents might be a bit much but i still fail to see where's this huge failure or weirdness or whatever.
it does strike me as weird tho that you'd harbor romatic feelings for a person and never act on them/act on them, get rejected, then proceed to remain friends with that person AND THEN COMPLAIN BECAUSE THEY TREAT YOU LIKE A FRIEND, ie introduce you to their S.O., take pictures with you captined as 'my friend&me', hug you affectionatelly, /not/ fuck you, etc.
like, y'all people don't seem to understand that FRIENDSHIP is valuable! okay? it is! platonic love is NOT a runner up to romatic love. just... try to think about this concept for a minute okay before you start complaining about friendzone.
Here's an Infamous Criminals and Their Last Words Before Execution 23 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
my favourite will forever be the french guy. he saw the opportunity and he took it.
You got beef? 6 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
The truth about love (or Not) 22 comments
lindsmolinari · 7 years ago
excuse me but there's like about 201258725457 forms of love and defining it like this is ... p. dumb. i'd say 'childish' but i'm certain children know better.