

mspaintftw Report User

TIL Allied soldiers had a song about Hitler's testicle sung to the tune of the Colonel

TIL Allied soldiers had a song about Hitler's testicle sung to the tune of the Colonel

The animal version of ">Tfw no tradwaifu"

The animal version of ">Tfw no tradwaifu"



You're gonna be a dad, congratulations!

You're gonna be a dad, congratulations!

Funny how a meme about blue balls emerged at the end of nnn

Funny how a meme about blue balls emerged at the end of nnn

B Like a normal person, right?

B Like a normal person, right?



Based on a recent emotional rollercoaster

Based on a recent emotional rollercoaster

Free market

Free market

The sun never sets on the british empire

The sun never sets on the british empire