Mark twain says humans are the only evil creatures

Mark twain says humans are the only evil creatures

The true artists

Dog years and human years

Dog years and human years

Someone was enjoying this section at the book store too much

Someone was enjoying this section at the book store too much

What adulthood is REALLY about...

What adulthood is REALLY about...

Guys, GUYSSSSSSS!!!! It's beautiful.

Guys, GUYSSSSSSS!!!! It's beautiful.

how am I GOING TO PICK IT UP?!?!?!?!

how am I GOING TO PICK IT UP?!?!?!?!

dude, where don't they come from?

dude, where don't they come from?

fifty years from now...

fifty years from now...

I can smell the freedom from here.

I can smell the freedom from here.
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