

— nyantastic Report User
Grandpa's message 19 comments
nyantastic · 7 years ago
high school was incredibly hard for me since i went to a shit high school and took ap and honors classes, living life now with bills, jugging 3 jobs to pay for myself, and still trying to live happy and healthy, i'd still rather live this life than go back to high school for another 4 years. even right now is easier than high school
1 · Edited 7 years ago
Grandpa's message 19 comments
nyantastic · 7 years ago
@grimreaper you're still in high school aren't you? get over yourself, it's really not as easy as you think
Surprised? 6 comments
nyantastic · 7 years ago
@mcree2 well you're being civil now that you know I'm not a liberal, so that says something. In my experience, there has been no in between with conservatives, but thats my opinion, I'm allowed to have one and express it just as much as you are
· Edited 7 years ago
Elon being Elon 67 comments
nyantastic · 7 years ago
just means half of americans are stupid to think a billionaire with no political experience would care about helping them with money problems since that seems to be a big argument with the whole "they took our jobs" (when he himself has production for his products in different countries)
Surprised? 6 comments
nyantastic · 7 years ago
yeah that's true, there's no in between to conservatives, no grey areas
Elon being Elon 67 comments
nyantastic · 7 years ago
over half of americans didn't vote trump, and the ones that did are majority poor low income households
Surprised? 6 comments
nyantastic · 7 years ago
actually I'm not liberal
Elon being Elon 67 comments
nyantastic · 7 years ago
only the stupid people, but i wouldn't count them
Elon being Elon 67 comments
nyantastic · 7 years ago
coal mining is a dying business no matter what and leaving paris was one of the stupidest acts trump could have done
Sucks for them 24 comments
nyantastic · 7 years ago
the west isn't completely free, new Zealand, Ireland, The Netherlands, and Denmark are actually ranked more free. America isn't even in the top ten, but don't worry! Canada is!
Surprised? 6 comments
nyantastic · 7 years ago
currently, it's 70 though seeing as how the great pumpkin is still kicking
Sign the damn Accord 17 comments
nyantastic · 7 years ago
well the people who believe climate change isn't real pretty much have this thought process and would rather believe what they want to instead of actual facts. don't be so damn butthurt
How I felt about Ghostbusters 24 comments
nyantastic · 7 years ago
maybe it's because hollywood only makes movies with male leads most of the time and rarely any female leads, and when it is a female lead, the budget is incredibly short compared to their male counterparts.
Sign the damn Accord 17 comments
nyantastic · 7 years ago
we can always have volunteers, and solar panels don't cost nearly as much as some of the other things our government pay for that we can replace with the panels. If money is more valuable than the planet we live on (which mind you is the only planet we can live on for at least 30 years), that shows how corrupt society is
Spectacular rainbow bridge 17 comments
nyantastic · 7 years ago
if you want to play the religion card, remember the bible also tells you to not eat shrimp, no cutting your hair, and you must be kind to your fellow humans. When you use religion to discriminate gains lgbt people because you like to cherry-pick bible verses, you're not being religious, you're being a dick.
Awareness 11 comments
nyantastic · 7 years ago
guys we found the Alex jones conspiracy theorists