

Just your friendly neighbourhood Canadian queer. Hope you guys don't hate me!
(Yes, I do know it's spelt Poison, no need to tell me.)
Poisin_Kat Report User
Don't listen to your family! 7 comments
poisin_kat · 7 years ago
Actually, $5,200 (in USD) is worth 1.84 bitcoin, so it's safe to assume that when this meme was created, it was actually 2 bitcoin that were bought, hence the guest's comment.
Edit: Even closer still, €5,200 (Euros) is worth 2.06 bitcoin, so the symbol may of been swapped as well. Up to you guys what you want to think.
11 · Edited 7 years ago
Looking at pictures on FunSubstance 7 comments
poisin_kat · 7 years ago
Go far or go home
so heckin confuse!!! 11 comments
poisin_kat · 7 years ago
If I translate the numbers into letters, we receive "a e e b b e e d b e h d i e", which is weird considering the "die".
Post for the amazing update 8 comments
poisin_kat · 7 years ago
They actually did break up. Austin (the blogger) felt like he was giving so much to the relationship, but Mr. 4am thought of him just as an option. You can read more about it on his blog (Just search his name).
Never Lose Your Car In a parking Lot Again! 5 comments
poisin_kat · 7 years ago
No it was balloons, I think you need to get your eyes checked.
Diamonds are too much pressure, anyways (get it?) 2 comments
poisin_kat · 7 years ago
I'm not sure how to feel about that pun
More people should know this 64 comments
poisin_kat · 7 years ago
26 weeks. I'm back.
What is breathing? 3 comments
poisin_kat · 7 years ago
I also was thinking this, just couldn't think of the name until I read the comment. I personally haven't learnt how to do it, but as decent-but-not-exactly-great saxophone and clarinet player, I have heard about this.
think about it before you oppose it 19 comments
poisin_kat · 7 years ago
Heterosexual sex is the standard and most natural form as it is the cause of reproduction, however homosexual intercourse does happen in the wild. As Grimreaper said, bats have a high homosexuality rate, just as dogs 'do it' too. It's not unnatural, it's uncommon. It's like being an albino kangaroo. You don't see it often, and it's not the standard way, but having that white color is still natural. As a in-the-closet bisexual myself, I didn't choose to be this way, I was born into it. I am natural, I am a Human being who is not as common as other people. I grasp the concept that straight sex is the standard sex, but it really isn't going to destroy me. I think that her friends stabbing in her back because she's different than them isn't her being a dumb bitch, but actually her 'friends' being asshats who don't actually care about basic Human decency.
17 · Edited 7 years ago
Tumblr talks about: culture appropriation (yay) 29 comments
poisin_kat · 7 years ago
Un demi de ma famille est Québecois, but the other half is basically mixed European family. Est-ce que tu peu m'aidez?
Proceed with extreme caution 2 comments
poisin_kat · 7 years ago
I didn't notice this at first, but the sign is actually whited out (You can tell on the very left) and that text is put on there through a program.
please subscribe 6 comments
poisin_kat · 7 years ago
Fun fact: This kid's channel is named "Dane", and he now has a total of 30,684 subscribers as of posting this, as well as over a million channel views! You can check out his channel here if you don't believe me c: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYkLsEUyb7I9EvKJjSSJiVQ
How my life has been going as of late 3 comments
poisin_kat · 7 years ago
Walmart you say?
Happy removal day 7 comments
poisin_kat · 7 years ago
I understand the first one, but not the chair one. Basically, in the first one, it was meant to be a deep moment where you realise that one day, your parents put you down as a child while you were being carried, never to be picked up that way again. you had grown up. It's depressing if you think about it, just how fast time can go.
Good guy Al 8 comments
poisin_kat · 7 years ago
Just a question; who the hell would say no?
She called it 7 comments
poisin_kat · 7 years ago
I would like to argue that point; http://www.snopes.com/janet-reno-donald-trump-never/
She's got my vote 29 comments
poisin_kat · 7 years ago
Neither does Trump, but look what happened!
*passes out in Spanish* 30 comments
poisin_kat · 7 years ago
Not sure if this here is actually true, but it is possible and has happened before.
apparently asking someone out makes you a d*ckhead 27 comments
poisin_kat · 7 years ago
Just a question, how did the "Dickhead" physically pronounce ";)"? I need this information, for important reasons.
What the f*ck is a foxkin 46 comments
poisin_kat · 7 years ago
I'm in no way phobic. I'm completely supportive of those going through gender transformation, but honestly people need to stop. Transgender, I understand, Agender, I understand, hell, even genderfluid I understand, but this shit is getting ridiculous. This is just the beginning of it, and there's so much more. I've counted 323 genders according to Tumblr from this site alone ( https://ageofshitlords.com/list-of-all-tumblr-genders-so-far/ ). I'm completely supportive, and I encourage people to follow what they really are, but people need to stop with their foxkins, felisgenders, ekragenders, and all of that. You're a human, not a glob trying to make shape. Be a gender, not a triggered piece of crap. (It's the end of the day, sorry if I offended any of you)
Day 576 of your daily dose of cute: Lazy kitty 67 comments
poisin_kat · 7 years ago
Just want to inform you that you're not allowed to leave us.
-Sincerely, everyone
Nokia - We will always miss you! 9 comments
poisin_kat · 7 years ago
Nokia was bought by Microsoft, basically making Nokia no longer it's own company
HUFFLEPUFF!!! 17 comments
poisin_kat · 7 years ago
Actually- 2 years late, but this would make sense, loads of it. Hufflepuff is the house of people who don't fit into any of the houses, or can fit in all of them. Since during the sorting hat, he could of been Slytherin or Gryffindor like his parents, he would of been mixed and could end up in Hufflepuff. The more you know
Big mall in Iran burned in crazy fire! 9 comments
poisin_kat · 7 years ago
Any chance you can tell me what the name of this 'Big Mall' is? I want to see the news story of it.