

PotatoLord Report User
It won't be fun, but we need to switch to the metric system 29 comments
potatolord · 7 years ago
I say it's better to not have to rely on some device and to have actually memorized the conversion. for instance, I can remember moving a decimal place to convert between meters and kilometers rather than remembering exactly how many feet are in a mile.
It won't be fun, but we need to switch to the metric system 29 comments
potatolord · 7 years ago
Easier to remember conversions? For example, it's easier to remember the conversion of a meter and a kilometer rather than it is to remember the conversion of a foot into a mile.
Looks accurate 3 comments
potatolord · 7 years ago
Looks like jabba the hutt to me
Here's a guy with free time 11 comments
potatolord · 8 years ago
Some people just need to face reality...
Having sex outside 5 comments
potatolord · 8 years ago
Stop, and deal with whats bugging you.