They're dragons, yet so different.

They're dragons, yet so different.

This is why I have trust issues

This is why I have trust issues



We will never forget

We will never forget

I try to eat healthy

I try to eat healthy

If this doesn't get you Tinder matches, nothing will

If this doesn't get you Tinder matches, nothing will

Newly discovered species of frog looks like Kermit

Newly discovered species of frog looks like Kermit

The third one is just in case they have a friend sleep over

The third one is just in case they have a friend sleep over

Omg....Chris Evans' Beard has a Twitter account...I'm so done....

Omg....Chris Evans' Beard has a Twitter account...I'm so done....

ahh but the owls will find their way in

ahh but the owls will find their way in
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