That's a good question

That's a good question

That scary moment of complete desperation

That scary moment of complete desperation

Seymour is a good cat, seymour never tells lies

Seymour is a good cat, seymour never tells lies

Great now I'll be thinking about this for the rest of the night

Great now I'll be thinking about this for the rest of the night

me in 3 words

me in 3 words

how I feel about stores shoving costumes out of the way for trees-__-

how I feel about stores shoving costumes out of the way for trees-__-

At least you can't blame anyone for being uninformed

At least you can't blame anyone for being uninformed

We are not who you think we are

I really don't know why everyone hates it

I really don't know why everyone hates it

Or do you?

Or do you?
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