

i drink an embarrassingly large amount of diet coke and i'm often a complete idiot. Please keep that in mind if i put my foot in my mouth.
saltlakesnark Report User

Shocking theif caught in the act!

Shocking theif caught in the act!

Snapchat my little sister sent me.

Snapchat my little sister sent me.

Who wouldn't want a tribble?

Who wouldn't want a tribble?

"Making pigeon noises"

"Making pigeon noises"

*Clever pun here*

*Clever pun here*

Hannibal's favorite breakfast cereal

Hannibal's favorite breakfast cereal

My daughters wanted to keep him

My daughters wanted to keep him

Cat-tipping is the new cow-tipping

Cat-tipping is the new cow-tipping

I want my own Grumpy Cat

I want my own Grumpy Cat

I read the last part in Simon Peggs voice

I read the last part in Simon Peggs voice