

— srsharp Report User
That's some backwards thinking 8 comments
srsharp · 5 years ago
OK, so if the parents do not consent -
-that individual is too immature, force her to have a child she has no means to care for so she can live on welfare forever! better yet, force her to have a child who grows up in poverty, never has access to higher education or well paying jobs to better themselves and change the cycle of life.
really people - lets just continue to take the right to make our own decisions away a little more at a time. I wonder, is there a maturity scale to base these decisions off of, or does the judge just get to randomly choose who is and is not mature based on their mood that day - this is a prime example of our justice system not working for shit, but that is a conversation for another day!
What would you choose? 37 comments
srsharp · 8 years ago
1. The way I die - if I pick the year, who’s to say I wouldn’t spend all the time in misery just waiting for my time
2. University
3. I will take Wi-Fi ,apple...UM NO
4. Biggest wish - stop living in the past, if you have regrets you need to read “The life-changing magic of not giving a f*ck”
5. Island – the world it just people-ie
6. Read minds – traveling fast means you miss the adventures along the way
7. Real money – you can still buy shit from Amazon
8. Best friends FOREVER – you know, there is a thing as friends with benefits…
9. Free gas!
10. Pirate – like I said, the work is too people-ie and I could sail away from all the fucktards
11. Continue – there is no guarantee the re-start won’t go horribly wrong
12. Harry Potter – I mean I already have $100,000 earning interest in a high yield account, own an island, can read the minds of my enemies, and have my celeb fav as a best friend with benefit, who wouldn’t want wizardry to that?
13. I already choose read minds
In lieu of recent events 59 comments
srsharp · 8 years ago
Wow, imagine if we didn't keep wild animals locked up in "enclosures" for human viewing pleasure, then this wouldn't be an issue; but no we cant do that, we will just keep letting people who can't keep their children under control cause problems like this. Before you think "well small children can get away fast" I don't give a sh*t, I have three of them, that woman should be held accountable for neglect, your child doesn't just climb over the fence, through wires and bushes to make it into Gorilla World before falling 15 feet. The zoo did what it had to do to save a child, but the parents are responsible and should be held accountable.
Draw your best friend's face 2 comments
srsharp · 8 years ago
maybe I am the only one that noticed that boys pants are on backwards.
Somebody get to writing! 31 comments
srsharp · 8 years ago
everyone else reads a a love story, me, I read it and think "what if you find out all the exes were murdered and the immortal has been seeking you out over and over again just to relive your torturous death".
do it 3 comments
srsharp · 8 years ago
what would be even better is if you had remote door hinge installed and you ultimate left someone in charge of popping it open! I wanna be at that funeral..
Doll for sale 14 comments
srsharp · 8 years ago
Man, I wish I knew who was selling this...imagine how awesome to have this bad boy sitting the couch in my room..sweetness...