

You are all bitches. Goodbye Lamesubstance! Tumblr will always be better. No one gives two shits about this site. Peace! And fuck you all. :)
TheCataclysm Report User

That's a lot of uses! ;)

That's a lot of uses! ;)

Horsey ride gone wrong. ;P

Horsey ride gone wrong. ;P

What I found on my Tumblr. *laughingfacepam*

What I found on my Tumblr. *laughingfacepam*

I'm a forever alone nerd. :)

I'm a forever alone nerd. :)

That's just awful. XD

That's just awful. XD

Think about it.....

Think about it.....

Let's just say I don't eat cereal anymore. >.<

Let's just say I don't eat cereal anymore. >.<

Just me, forever alone, at home. :)

Just me, forever alone, at home. :)

Tetris rage. XD

Tetris rage. XD

Better name than banana, anyone?

Better name than banana, anyone?