User trustnthngmulder Banned

*record scratch* You may be wondering how I got here 7 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
Wow. This is cool idea for a movie. You hate someone and want him dead. And you crack open his skull with ice... and say How could I know ice could be deadly, this is Egypt. But you knew.
America and evolution 32 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
I pretty much asked Do You believe in inanimate animator? And hattrick says he believes on the sixth day god created people and said I like this. I can't believe people like that are allowed to talk at all
Heil doge 10 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
I miss European lions. They could've sort out so many things.
I N C E S T . I S . B E S T 6 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
All the cheetahs are from just one pregnant cheetah which survived ice age.
Didn't work 6 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
Fucking flying rats. I hate them.
For Anyone's Bucket List 26 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
You'd be safer in a canoe strapped to a lake shore in the shallow part of course, you don't wanna get pulled in by the dark claw to the deeps.
For Anyone's Bucket List 26 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
You'd be safer in a canoe strapped to a lake shore in the shallow part of course, you don't wanna get pulled in by the dark claw to the deeps.
Stoned 2 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
Little known fact 6 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
First suit was retarded, and it was side show role. Just like Darth Vader. Idiot suit side role, they changed it cause actor complained and voila. So thank you Van Claude Jean Damme
How to identify a true slav 5 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
It says "We're busted" on that banner above them.
Looks like something out of Star Wars but it's the city of Medina 13 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
They ban kittens and TV! And nudity and alcohol. They need to be out of this planet.
Bet you can't guess the country 15 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
Looks more like Liberia
America and evolution 32 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
It's 4 billion for earth and I forgot how many for Sapiens sapiens, but definitely not 5000 years. That is as clear as your empty head. (but as a philosopher I don't dismiss everything could happen. You do)
America and evolution 32 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
Oh. I thought you two @itsamemaria @hattricks1995 were philosophers or something. Believing in an inanimate animator (something normal people just call beginning of the universe and retards think there was "someone"who did all that) but you're just retards
Hmmm.... I don't know 48 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
Lunatic asylums patients were immediately set free into the war. What a hell do you think they did, cuddle kittens? Anyone with enough power could have a faction. We had 70 factions. And mujahadeens too. And we were all trained. We all went to obligatory army here. And who told you it lasted for 3y? Bosnia is just one part that declared independence. It's like saying war in Allepo lasted for 2y. War in Yugoslavia lasted almost a decade. Same people fought in all the wars. There weren't 470,000 casualties cause Bosnia has 1 million citizens, on all three sides. Ten times less people ten times less victims. But they stayed cause they would find no Bosnia when they come back. I'm sorry for the refugees, but I'm more sorry for "caged" defence forces that stayed there. Hats down for those people.
Hmmm.... I don't know 48 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
So many factions, much terror, wow violence. What a hell do you think happened in Yugoslavia. You really don't know nothing. Chopping heads off was a daily routine, burning whole cities, gorging eyes and drinking it! Godfathers slit throats of godchildren, making mothers eat their children, chopping off titties and frying them on stove. I'm not imagining this, you had people who bragged about it. People from my family. In an intimate confessions.
It works 12 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
So, my girl is reptilian from outer space.
the realness... 11 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
Women got 2% . For the same job.
History 10 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
@famousone Are you north American native or south. Cause I'd totally go berserk on Toltecs and Mayans, they read their future from baby entrails and played human head football. That should be annihilated. Norths were OK they could just adjust. Not that I'm saying Spaniards were sugar spice and everything nice. They're like, the worst fascists ever. Second worst. Russia is always numero uno.
it's just a breast 70 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
I'm just fucking around. But this could totally be a thing.
it's just a breast 70 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
I see this as sex inequality. I have a rare condition plaxicegernia ...something like low or high sugar, but with ph acidity in my lymph fluid , I "bleed" yellowish reddish icky fluid from my... how do you call it... navel.. umbelico and I faint if I don't take walnut, or peanut butter or marzipan within seconds . But my kid is allergic. So every time she bleeds her lymph, I must puncture my belly button and dip my finger and save her. If I let her try to lick my belly, I'd be arrested.
it's just a breast 70 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
"every single boy I grew up with" more like every single boy. Ever.
hmm... 21 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
Maybe the guy who wrote it wasn't standing up or down maybe he was standing left or right the desert, maybe even he doesn't know what he wrote.. If he was rihgthanded you can see, if the circle is thicker and "neck" of the number is thinner it's 9, but, I'm lefthanded, I write 9 from bottom up, just like 6 upside down . Anyhow even if it's in a desert, you have experts who can find out 1000000 things from one written letter. It's same with everything else. You have experts.
They won't let is pass 6 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
Last victim of 2016. I kinda feel we're all gonna die inside in 2017.
Hmmm.... I don't know 48 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
Friends from pristine Prishtina (Kosovo) who had 3 three room apartments had enough money to buy 1 in Belgrade (they lost 3 though) but someone who shared his 2 room with 9 family members never bought anything . And they lived on the land and of the sheep. They couldn't bring that with them. But that's another story. Serbs are jerks, and they occupied that land. If Syrians were like Bosniaks, they could never leave. There are millions there now ...fighting, for survival.