

Want2see Report User
I just love Snape more and more 6 comments
want2see · 10 years ago
Did the jk Rowling actually mean for that to happen??
$12 and 30 minutes later... My daughter LOVES it!!!! 26 comments
want2see · 10 years ago
Do you just sit on it?
Them feels 28 comments
want2see · 10 years ago
It's okay pebble i am too
"Bravery" 97 comments
want2see · 10 years ago
Dorkykong: I didnt say that it wasn't devastating to me when I found out (and i have many best friends too) i just could not feel bad for her that she is/was cutting. I was worried that I was going to lose her if she did become suicidle but it's not like i could do anything about it. My reaction to finding out was getting angry and annoyed about it 1-because again I could do nothing 2- because i belived that cutting achieves nothing and would not help. Yes this person and i are still best friends.
· Edited 10 years ago
"Bravery" 97 comments
want2see · 10 years ago
I appreciate that you have replied to my post(and not in a rude way either) although i do not think that cutting is bravery-i do think it is brave that you have admitted it to your boyfriend. I still think that it is stupid to cut but I will keep what you have said in mind next time.
Fifty points to Hufflepuff 19 comments
want2see · 10 years ago
I understand that I should read the books, but I was asking if sombody could just tell me who he/she is?
Ellen DeGeneres sure knows how to pick real estate! 5 comments
want2see · 10 years ago
Ellens a lesbian, and playboy masion is famos for the hottest girls
"Bravery" 97 comments
want2see · 10 years ago
Down vote me all you fucking want, i dont care. Cutting should never be the answer, i honestly think its ridiculously idiotic to cut/harm yourself. My best friend cut her self and I could not even try to make myself feel sorry for her, because of how stupid it is to do that. How would that even remotely solve the problem, hurting yourself because "no one understands" or because you cant get help? Obviously there is someone else in the world who has gone through the same thing(or somthing like it). I do not think cutting is brave AT ALL its just stupid
Fifty points to Hufflepuff 19 comments
want2see · 10 years ago
Could somebody remind me who tonks is?
Fat vs. Muscle 20 comments
want2see · 10 years ago
Wow I actually tried to figure this out for a sec, realized they are both the same then called you the dumb ass. -_- XD