Most Fun Posters

User Likes
1. cakelover2490
2. poopbuddies506
3. burndown343
4. redarling332
5. pod315
6. krane311
7. toutzee307
8. wplay306
9. jugzy292
10. twerk290
11. happy_frog275
12. ironsky271
13. tuneyoo268
14. laqpal248
15. nitetom247
16. boardfast246
17. greatescape238
18. nebula238
19. ignite236
20. covert333217

Most Fun Commenters

User Likes
1. karlboll60
2. happy_frog56
3. catfluff51
4. oppailoli34
5. snowbeast30
6. creativedragonbaby27
7. inspectora25
8. cakelover21
9. ctrl_alt_del17
10. thefandomisrising10
11. nelson8
12. hunk_o_junk6
13. luger6
14. typow7776
15. roanoke4
16. rtg_0074
17. mrsdonut4
18. lucky113
19. iondrako3
20. aphelion3

Note: The leaderboard is updated periodically.
Users on the weekly leaderboard will get stars beside their username.