
20 Disney and Nickelodeon Stars Who Grew Up Too Fast 11 comments
guest · 6 years ago
This should definitely be 20 Disney/Nick stars who 'grew up' and developed biologically at the same rate as all other humans.
Trump winery 9 comments
guest · 6 years ago
You're missing the point completely, as did Eric... It doesn't matter that the SHOPS are independently ran, nor that they have been sold for a long time - it matters that he's now the president and the shops are buying the president's brand of wine. It's no different than his need to divest in his hotels when he became president.
10+ interesting statistics about your life that you hardly believe they are true 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
These aren't remotely accurate... the school one alone for K-12 is wrong.
180 days / school year (on average) * 7 hrs/day in school (7-2 as an estimate - of course some start later or earlier, and this doesn't include addtl classes before/after school) = 1,260 hrs / year * 12 years = 15,120 hours / 24hrs in a day = 630 days.
This doesn't include any higher education.