

— Lucky11 Report User
What a time to be alive. 4 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
If they actually implement this I will actually keep a list of the companies that do it and never use their products again. If they want people to hate them this is a great way to go about it.
Hmmm 2 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
There is something to be said about an unrelenting force.
Operation Desert Stumble 3 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
That's an episode from their newer show "The Grand Tour" on Amazon. Alot of people didn't like that episode but I thought it was funny.
The toughest decision so far 3 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Definitely the garlic bread.
Ban peppers. Pay for my showers 9 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
This is not about people that want and work to enact change in our society. This stems only from selfishness and they'd be just as likely to turn on anyone who tries to help them the moment they don't just give them everything they want. They want to live their lives with no responsibility, and no cost to anything they do. From your posts, while we disagree on alot of things, I don't think you anywhere close to these type of people.
Ban peppers. Pay for my showers 9 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
I do hope your being facetious. This isn't about the big stuff. This is about things like if you're conservative they want to ban you from all media, schools, and any public forum. If you disagree with anything they say you're supposed to be silenced or better yet arrested. Also, you need to pay for their trip to Spain, because they're stressed and need a vacation. Or their hair dye because they're not so pathetic as to actually keep they hair color they were born with. They want to be like toddlers who make the rules to the game up as they go along so they always win and the responsibility for their lives should be shouldered by everyone else.
I got either a chair or a pair of shorts. I'm taking the shorts 16 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Huh, how weird I have a very nice knife to my right as well.
Hug yourself before you thug yourself 4 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
It's a good thought but sometimes the monster is a monster in all meanings of the word. What I mean is that even if it looked completely normal it would still do the things a monster would do. We have...alot of real world examples of this. I know some people like it when the monster is just misunderstood and it does make a good story. However, I also like the ones where the annoying consummate pacifist yahoo character, who insists the monster is just "misunderstood" and that they are somehow better than everyone else because they can see that truth, meets the monster and then gets killed.
Authoritarian regimes be like "communism can be whatever I want" 3 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
"But that was because they did it wrong, when I do it it's going to work." --moron's at large.
Interesting design choice 1 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago 2 · Edited 1 year ago
Each material make a different color 1 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Be careful of the middle bottom one. The flash is really really bright. It's recommended that you don't look at the initial flash.
Social media and websites too 5 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Oh no @guest_ says we should look stuff up and make decisions based on facts and logic. And that everyone everywhere has an opinion on every subject they get exposed too because we're human. Better down vote that comment.
It be like that 4 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Okay the pedo-stache is a thing. Usually seen on oddballs and Majors. Of course he's out of regs too. The mustache can't go past the corners of the mouth.
The reason, if anyone cares, is so that your mask gets a good seal to your face to protect you from gas attacks, etc....
Christmas tree is just a fragment of a past religion 2 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Without a doubt that's where the evergreens portion comes from. That's the problem when you make only one religion legal and enforce it . People don't give up their traditions and beliefs just because someone comes along and says it's now illegal. Then add in your enforcers are generally from the same people you can either kill large portions of your population (they did that too) or just give in and make it acceptable. Shoot half the Roman Catholic saints wouldn't have even recognized the church as an authority. But hey it's tradition. Tradition!!!
Hope no one done this before 1 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Hmm... certainly didn't help the north kept the south from industrializing.
Now you know how to win 2 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
So I misread that as Cheese tip at first and was very confused.
Byzantine collapse gang 2 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Boys will be held accountable for their actions 3 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
You're quite right about the powerful people getting away with it thing. "Boys will be boys" is still literally used to punish women for their own rapes and assaults in many parts of the world. The less extreme version of that is victim blaming. Wearing revealing clothes, being in that part of town at night, etc.... We've only recently, past decade or so, started pointing out victim blaming's fallacy and placing the blame entirely on the real culprits. Part of that move is de-stigmatizing the reporting of rape. However, since culture changes take longer, usually several generations, it's still affecting our society on an individual level. "Rape Culture" is a whole other thing.
7 · Edited 1 year ago
That's because it's driven by daemons 1 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Well that did come true it just took a bit longer to get there.
My NSA agent reading this 1 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Shhhhhh, nobody tell them.
Start your new year with a bang 3 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Yes it will.
It be like that 4 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
That's because just knowing the rules doesn't mean that a person can "instinctively" incorporate them into their interactions. It certainly doesn't help that humans are hardwired for pattern recognition. When someone doesn't meet the "standard" for "normal" social interactions that our brains are subconsciously looking for it raises all kinds of flags. Now none of this means we shouldn't be consciously making an effort to temper our instinctual responses but it does explain a little bit. Imagine being slapped, except without the pain, randomly while trying to hold a conversation with someone. It's not that you can't do it, it just takes an effort. Many just don't want, need, or care to make the effort.
4 · Edited 1 year ago
Become ungovernable 1 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Well, if you're not depending on the job for income or for room and board then an unpaid internship is a great way to gain experiences working for companies you probably wouldn't be qualified to work at otherwise. Many colleges use unpaid internships as part of the requirements for graduation. They are a great way for students to get real world on the job experience before they become reliant on their job to live. It's also a great time to learn whether or not the job is actually what you think it is and whether you actually like it. So while they're not getting paid money for the job, they do get college credit for the job.
murica 5 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
Well that just means they value their life less than they value your privacy. If that's the case then really they're just committing suicide with extra steps.
They’re both good 1 comments
lucky11 · 1 year ago
The only issue I have is when I forget I'm watching subbed anime and look away; forgetting that I do not speak or understand Japanese.