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A "No-fart" sign in an elevator

A "No-fart" sign in an elevator

Second-best curved bent

Second-best curved bent

Pretty hyped on the view from my new apartment

Pretty hyped on the view from my new apartment

Human great learned

Human great learned

They’re also waiting for their mom to make a pbj

They’re also waiting for their mom to make a pbj

My city's newest addition. Who has the mountain dew. (Calgary Alberta)

My city's newest addition. Who has the mountain dew. (Calgary Alberta)

Vibration Therapy, a treatment for headaches in the 1890s

Vibration Therapy, a treatment for headaches in the 1890s

[OC] Took a picture of the softball field

[OC] Took a picture of the softball field

Grumpy Spider

Grumpy Spider

To pass or not to pass (water)?

To pass or not to pass (water)?
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