

abel_hazard Report User
Abandoned Soviet stuff 6 comments
abel_hazard · 7 years ago
#2 from top - what is it? I think I want it.
Day old donuts, packaged salads, prepared pastas, bread, and much more 18 comments
abel_hazard · 7 years ago
No, it's bad that you assume everyone has the same ability to budget that you do. Budget dies a flaming death when you've been unemployed for sixth months, and trust me, "swallowing your pride and applying at McDonald's" doesn't work, because McD's will reject you for being "overqualified."
Also, pretty sure you knew damn well that's not what I meant. Either that, or you are *not* overqualified for McD's.
Day old donuts, packaged salads, prepared pastas, bread, and much more 18 comments
abel_hazard · 7 years ago
Spoken like someone who's never been unemployed for more than a month at a go.
Treasure your workers 13 comments
abel_hazard · 7 years ago
That's the paper definition. The practical definition is a state where, among other such problems, it's perfectly possible to be dismissed from employ because your supervisor heard you utter the word "union," whether it was meant as a joke or not. It happened to two dozen people in one week at one of my husband's former employers. The official reason was "position was no longer needed," but they also promptly hired on three dozen people to take up the slack, because in a call center one person who's been there a year does the work of one and a half newbies.
Treasure your workers 13 comments
abel_hazard · 7 years ago
Um.... yeah, it's totally legal in a lot of states to terminate someone's emploment "just because." It's called "right to work," and H.R. 785 is trying to make it nation-wide. They still have to show cause if they want to deny you unemployment benefits, but that doesn't mean you didn't just get terminated.
It's common practice in U.S. call center culture to terminate someone's employment when they get to the top 20% of the pay scale.
That's just about right 7 comments
abel_hazard · 7 years ago
Everyone is a poet. Most of them just haven't practiced much.
Makes sense economically 17 comments
abel_hazard · 7 years ago
TL;DR, according to Catholic dogma, the Pope is the "Vicar of Christ," i.e. the representative of Jesus' word on Earth, supposedly an office passed down in a (mostly) unbroken line from Peter the apostle, of whom Christ said "on this Rock (pun on the Greek name "Peter") I will build my church."
Treasure your workers 13 comments
abel_hazard · 7 years ago
It's *supposed* to be more complicated than this little cartoon, but I've worked for a couple small companies before, and I've seen them do a *perfect* analogue of this process. Granted, they're usually *engineering* the collapse specifically so that they can "justify" outsourcing the function in question.
Makes sense economically 17 comments
abel_hazard · 7 years ago
You mean condemn?
The real struggle 19 comments
abel_hazard · 7 years ago
Wait, there are people who never did this? Geez. When I was a kid, I sometimes got a folded "sandwich" of raisins and a liiiiittle bit of butter for lunch. The hot dog was the "good" option.
Colorful modern buildings 5 comments
abel_hazard · 7 years ago
Oof. The paint's not the problem in that scenario, the labor is. It's expensive enough just to get window washers up there.
Colorful modern buildings 5 comments
abel_hazard · 7 years ago
I like the *idea,* it's just... what's the maintenance cost on the materials?
Bras are ridiculously expensive sometimes and idk why 14 comments
abel_hazard · 7 years ago
I was shocked to find that I fit into something from Wal-Mart that isn't beige. I mean.... it's gray, but gray is progress. Esp. since the shops like Lane Bryant just keep getting less and less reliable to fit.
Crazy cat lady 5 comments
abel_hazard · 7 years ago
If it's uncollared, take it to the Vet. Once it's had its shots, you have a cat.
Only with voices of people who mean a lot to me 31 comments
abel_hazard · 7 years ago
That, I've been able to do. It took me till I was nigh 30 to realize that when people say "picture it in your head" it isn't just a figure of speech, though.
Wait what 10 comments
abel_hazard · 7 years ago
I didn't want to speak for you, but I assumed...
How 8 comments
abel_hazard · 7 years ago
Wait what 10 comments
abel_hazard · 7 years ago
Guys guys guys I did the thing: I married because we're both tremendous geeks and he treats me like a person not an accessory *AND HE GOT BETTER LOOKING.* Turns out that's possible.
Thus I always feel petty and trivial 20 comments
abel_hazard · 7 years ago
It's not a contest. You get to have problems, even if other people have bigger problems. Get help. Medication, therapy, whatever helps fix it. Then if you still feel guilty about other people having bigger problems - do something to alleviate some of those too. Make donations to a food bank. Volunteer with a local educational organization.
Death ray! 3 comments
abel_hazard · 7 years ago
For clarity: Is that a fresnel in the frame?
Two snails kissing on top of cherries 20 comments
abel_hazard · 7 years ago
To be fair, I'm not sure whether I'm talking about humans or the Argentinian ant.
Two snails kissing on top of cherries 20 comments
abel_hazard · 7 years ago
He's helpfully curated most of the earth's weirdest natural things into a single blog. I mean, you can NEVER get a proper catalog of weird things because there's always something newly weird, but dammit, he tried... I love our universe. I mean, where else can you start from first principles of competition and end up with a species that dominates a planet almost solely through a type of cooperation?
Two snails kissing on top of cherries 20 comments
abel_hazard · 7 years ago
The largest single organism on earth is a mushroom. Though it appears as separate growths above ground, it's interconnected at the roots and measures over 2 miles across by best estimates. If I remember right, it lives in the US Northwest. There's also a tree in - I believe it's South America - that rivals its size.
Seriously, though, http://bogleech.com/articles.html
*cries in pansexual* 12 comments
abel_hazard · 7 years ago
It really weirds me out when people don't understand cross-gender friendships. I start thinking the person's creepy, like, what, just because you *could* be sexually attracted to someone you eliminate them from all nonsexual relationships?