User anananonymous Banned

Janitor experiment 10 comments
anananonymous · 9 years ago
¿Y quién es este señor Jérriman?
That's An Honest Answer 15 comments
anananonymous · 9 years ago
Oldest man on earth 39 comments
anananonymous · 9 years ago
Also, while we're at it:
- Stories of people with enormous tumours or conjoined twins are usually from China or the United States.
- Stories of people being abducted (and gang-probed) by aliens are usually from Brazil or the United States.
- And stories of people being close to 200 years of age are usually from Caucasus. This story is unuaual in being from another part of the world.
That's An Honest Answer 15 comments
anananonymous · 9 years ago
Let them have beer!
Japanese food art too cute to nom 6 comments
anananonymous · 9 years ago
You're curry! :-)
Janitor experiment 10 comments
anananonymous · 9 years ago
Irony, compadre …
Good guy god 5 comments
anananonymous · 9 years ago
What if extemists are the ones that do the correct interpretation?
Do periods actually make women moody? 11 comments
anananonymous · 9 years ago
I'd say that males have a period of exactly seven days corresponding to the typical work week.
The value of your work 25 comments
anananonymous · 9 years ago
Well, the evidence points to the opposite: CEOs usually don't add anything – the underlying trends in the industry, the society and the world at large do all the work. An ape trained in sign language will often do an even better job, having no knowledge of the business, making totally random decisions.
Janitor experiment 10 comments
anananonymous · 9 years ago
This is science at its best!
"we don't have Coke, is Bepis okay?" 7 comments
anananonymous · 9 years ago
That would amount to syrup, wouldn't it?
Pretty interesting silverware 7 comments
anananonymous · 9 years ago
Not cool. My grand uncle died in Auschwitz …
… well, he was drunk and fell from a watchtower. :-)
Your Size Argument Doesn't Make Sense 7 comments
anananonymous · 9 years ago
The King of the Jungle is Tarzan.
13 · Edited 9 years ago
Japanese food art too cute to nom 6 comments
anananonymous · 9 years ago
Plus for the gravy – otherwise minus.
A Good Question 16 comments
anananonymous · 9 years ago
"Me father was a tree!" – Seamus
Is the t silent? 24 comments
anananonymous · 9 years ago
Exactly like Pearl Harbor where the Japanese attack fleet crossed the international date line, thus travelling back in time.
Oldest man on earth 39 comments
anananonymous · 9 years ago
These stories inevitably seem to emerge in parts of the world where it's customary to name the oldest son after his father.
Bleach 13 comments
anananonymous · 9 years ago
You can't synthesize mustard gas from the precursors mentioned.
The value of your work 25 comments
anananonymous · 9 years ago
Why not relate to something relevant like the price of beer?
Yes omg 3 comments
anananonymous · 9 years ago
How does it come that he is still producing shitty pop music?
I have heard that some radio stations will even broadcast his songs!
American sex education 4 comments
anananonymous · 9 years ago
… and by the way, son: You're grounded for three weeks!
Unsuspicious van 4 comments
anananonymous · 9 years ago
They're there to keep an eye on any escaping abductees.
Unsuspicious van 4 comments
anananonymous · 9 years ago
You're on to something: An actual serial-killer van has no windows in the back.
2 · Edited 9 years ago