

I visited this site for a awhile and eventually realized that users knew each other. So I made an account in an attempt to become part of the community! Hi :)

— ChangeTheWorld Report User
Not a Hooker! 13 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
Anyway, I think this post is about One Shot, if I am remembering correctly.
Not a Hooker! 13 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
Yeah, I read a lot too. My favorite books are mysteries, but I read all sorts of stuff especially if somebody recommends something. The Reacher series isn't my favorite ever, but I like the way he does dialogue and short but funny little tangents. I've read a few of Patterson's books and want to read through the Michael Bennett series after I am done with the Reacher series.
Not a Hooker! 13 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
I just finished the 12th book in the series, and I really like Lee Child's writing style.
Not a Hooker! 13 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
The book was better. And this scene makes him look like a jerk, but she was actually trying to set him up to get a beat down, so really he wasn't. Also, @pokethebear you are right. Tom Cruise was a horrible casting choice. Jack Reacher is supposed to be something like 6'5" and 250 lbs of muscle.
Rich people don't understand us 32 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
Can you go to new countries every couple months or even just once a year? Probably not. But if travel is something you really want to do, than it is completely possible to go to different amazing countries every couple of years. And a bunch of closer cool places as well.
Rich people don't understand us 32 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
To those parent & sugar daddy comments: I am an independent person. I choose not to do most "typical" American luxuries. My husband and I don't have cable, we have very basic smart phone plans, we only go out to eat about once a month. Instead, we spent those thousands of dollars on small trips to see family and a big trip to Europe. When we did travel, we did AirBnB and a hostel and economy plane and train rides. Affordable, not luxury things. But we got to see 11 cities in 4 countries.
Rich people don't understand us 32 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
First of all, he said 7,000 for SIX MONTHS (which is just over $1,000 a month, and just UNDER $300 a week!) Second of all, how old are you @Caqrl ? I am not saying EVERYONE can afford to travel ALL THE TIME. When I was a broke college student, then no, I couldn't. But I graduated and got a job (not even a great wage), and started saving. It is about priorities. On average, families spend $1200 a year on cable, and $3,000 a year at restaurants, and at least $1,000 a year on phones. Not to mention everything else like netflix, gaming, shopping, expensive car leases, etc. So are they too broke to travel? NO! They choose to spend thousands of dollars on other luxuries.
Rich people don't understand us 32 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
It's kind of true. I always wanted to travel, but thought it was way too expensive. BUT it is a matter of priorities. For instance, you could pay for cable and going out to eat all the time for a year OR save that money instead and all of the sudden you have a couple thousand dollars more and you can travel.
You smell like love 5 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
Yessssss, I love the smell of my husband
just do it 13 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
This is really not a new thing - quite a number of people do.
This Korean kid's insane beatbox routine 2 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
While good and fun to listen to, I feel like he didn't show off many different techniques and I definitely wouldn't call it "insane." (But I studied music and I love a capella which has a lot of beatboxers, so maybe I am just being too ridiculous).
Marching band isn't a sport 15 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
I was in marching band, and it was great, but it is NOT a sport. I don't know why people think they have to call their activities sports in order to justify them as difficult, cool, or fun.
Or a windmill. Probably a windmill. 12 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
^ From the hilarious movie, Benny and Joon
I dropped 14k a few days ago 4 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
I believe if no one claims it, then he gets to keep it. And lets be real: A person carrying that much cash is probably doing something illegal and will not claim it.
How to save water 5 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
One is a cleaning brush
Amazing 6 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
^ While some people with autism focus on a particular hobby, most do not do so any more than a typical person.
How to get rid of 8000 mosquitoes 5 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
My husband wants to know if he counted all the mosquitoes.
I am so stupid 81 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
Cheese Whiz. Like gross cheese-flavored pudding. Does not actually contain any cheese, go figure.
· Edited 6 years ago
Great hacker!!! #respect 9 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
Is he doing bad things or is he just showing flaws in security?
Bed space 10 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
I'm the opposite - I am like a heat seeking missile. He rolls over and I immediately have to go cuddle up and get warm again.
This will make you love / hate your job even more 29 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
ABA Therapist: I change behavior. This could come in handy.