deleted · 7 years ago
They're allowed to.
deleted · 7 years ago
How? They blew up a place just because they drew Mohammed
dolphinmaster77 · 7 years ago
They shouldn't be allowed to do that
dolphinmaster77 · 7 years ago
They can say hey that's my prophet but once everyone around the world is too scared to condemn a religion under free speech.... we have to be honest all religion is hateful it's just true whether any of you Christian or anything nuts want to fight it only breeds hate. It is holdin us back as a species in my opinion and it needs to end and Islam is the chief among violent creeds runners up being the Christians.
deleted · 7 years ago
Well you don't have enough evidence for that in any sense because every advancement made in technology and science happened anyways with these religions even more in place back then than now. Maybe it's the fact that political agendas are being pushed with religion instead of religion.
dolphinmaster77 · 7 years ago
The people who made these discoveries when the church was at it's highest were executed as heretics
dolphinmaster77 · 7 years ago
The problem is that political agenda's can be pushed with it and that these horrible extreme views we see today can be interpreted from any religious text, and the majority of people on the planet are of below average intelligence unfortunately whether it be through lack of education or some other factor including their own fault. So with these two things in place we have a ticking timebomb of a planet
deleted · 7 years ago
You're all pretty ignorant if you think ideology is the cause for fault and not individuals who act out. And when groups act out iregularly such as suicide bombings or witch burnings it's because they have been inverted. Do yourself a favour and look up inversion, it happens intentionally or unintentionally and it's super damaging.
i_ · 7 years ago
I think religion inherently incites conflict and consequently hate. The rules are extraordinarily strict and those who interpret them to be followed to the letter naturally despise those who don't. Consequently, strife occurs between those who follow the letter and [all the other] people.
It also doesn't help that the rules were written in the context of ages past.
deleted · 7 years ago
Those who use religion to incite negative thoughts or just negativity in general are responsible. Religion existing on it's own is not inherintly bad
dolphinmaster77 · 7 years ago
The fact that it can be used in that way is the problem
dolphinmaster77 · 7 years ago
It's not like they even have to change the texts they just have to read it word for word
deleted · 7 years ago
Incorrect as well. If you're suggesting religious texts incite violence it's only in context of old times.
dolphinmaster77 · 7 years ago
Legit passages state: fight them until there is no more until worship is for God alone... most people in the world don't have the contextual add ons that we have it's so easy to turn these books into violent texts because you don't have to change them at all
arabesque · 7 years ago
I dislike very much the generalizations here. I looked it up once and figured that 0.0004% of Muslims are part of ISIS (give or take a few decimal places) which means that the huge, huge majority of Muslims are not radical. You simply cannot lump all Muslims together.
dimebag · 7 years ago
Personally, I think religion is fine. It should just never mix with politics. And any non radicalised Muslim will tell you that ISIS isn't a true reflection of our religion.